Biochemical test (RX daytona clinical analyser) price (€)
acetic acid (100 tests) 980
albumin (100 tests) 720
aldolase (100 tests) 980
alfa-1 acid glycoprotein (100 tests) 985
alfa-1 antitrypsin (100 tests) 985
alkaline phosphatase (100 tests) 980
ALT (100 tests) 770
ammonia (100 tests) 875
amylase (100 tests) 820
amylase pancreatic (100 tests) 900
apoA1 (100 tests) 1,010
apoB (50 tests) 1,010
apoE (50 tests) 1,200
apoC3 (50 tests) 1,100
apoC2 (50 tests) 1,100
apoA2 (50 tests) 1,100
AST (100 tests) 770
beta2 microglobulin (50 tests) 1,050
bile acids (100 tests) 1,005
bilirubin (100 tests) 730
calcium (100 tests) 780
ceruloplasmin (100 tests) 860
cholesterol (100 tests) 790
cholinesterase (100 tests) 800
CK (100 tests) 940
chloride (100 tests) 750
CO2 (100 tests) 940
complement C3 (100 tests) 910
complement C4 (100 tests) 910
copper (100 tests) 840
creatinine (100 tests) 745
CRP (100 tests) 860
CRP high sensitivity (100 tests) 890
ferritin (100 tests) 1,280
fructosamine (100 tests) 2,420
G6P-DH (100 tests) 730
glucose (100 tests) 760
gamma GT (100 tests) 820
glutamate (100 tests) 1,010
glutathione peroxidase (100 tests) 1,495
glutathione reductase (50 tests) 940
glycerol (100 tests) 1,330
HbA1c/Hb (100 tests) 940
HDL-cholesterol (100 tests) 1,110
LD pyruvate-lactate (100 tests) 780
LDL-cholesterol (100 tests) 1,090
sLDL-cholesterol (50 tests) 1,440
hydroxybutyrate/RAN BUT (100 tests) 820
IgA (100 tests) 875
IgG (100 tests) 875
IgM (100 tests) 740
iron (100 tests) 780
lactate (100 tests) 780
lipase (100 tests) 870
lipoprotein (a) (50 tests) 1,060
litium (50 tests) 980
magnesium (100 tests) 730
microalbumin (100 tests) 920
myoglobin (100 tests) 900
phosphorus (100 tests) 740
potassium (100 tests) 850
rheumatoid factor (100 tests) 825
sodium (100 tests) 890
superoxide dismutase (100 tests) 900
total antioxidant status (100 tests) 1,500
total iron binding capacity (100 tests) 995
total protein (100 tests) 750
transferrin (100 tests) 1,115
transthyretin (100 tests) 1,210
urea (100 tests) 760
uric acid (100 tests) 750
zinc (100 tests) 880

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