FAQ - COVID-19 Diagnosis Tests

[PT] [EN]

1. How long after the sample collection do I have the test result?
The test result is sent in 24 hours for the PCR test, within 4 hours for the antigen rapid test and within 48 hours for the serological test.

2. If the result of my test is inconclusive, what happens?
If the result is inconclusive, you should remain in confinement until you repeat the test.

3. If I have a positive result in my test, can I still travel and recover in the destination?
If the result is positive, you cannot travel, you should call SNS 24 (808242424) and follow all the recommendations of health authorities. CEDOC will communicate the results of the tests to the health authorities who will monitor the case.

4. How is the test result sent to me?
The test result is sent by e-mail in a pdf file to the passenger and to the Public Health Services.

5. Can foreign citizens or stateless persons also take the test for free under the protocol with Madeira?
Anyone with a valid airline ticket to Madeira (Funchal or Porto Santo) can take the antigen rapid test for free.

6. I am going to travel with my family. Do I have to fill out an appointment for each of the family members?
Yes. It is necessary to fill out an individual schedule for each traveler. Each traveler will receive an individual appointment.

7. Can a passenger flying from Oporto or Faro airports take the test in Lisbon at CEDOC?
Yes. Any passenger traveling to Madeira can take the test at CEDOC. Travel expenses to the sample collection site are not covered.

8. Is the trip reservation sufficient to schedule a test?
No. Passengers to Madeira must present a document that proves the booking and payment of the trip as a payment receipt, electronic ticket or boarding pass.

9. I have already done the serological test for SARS-Cov2, does the result of this test replace the PCR test or the antigen rapid test?
No. The serological test only indicates whether you have already been in contact with the virus and does not show whether you have an active infection. You must always perform a PCR test or an antigen rapid test.

10. Is it necessary to take a blood sample to perform the CEDOC test?
No. The SARS-Cov2 diagnostic test and the antigen rapid test only requires taking a sample from the nasopharynx and oropharynx using a swab.

11. Is there a need for prior preparation for the test?
Do not . The SARS-Cov2 diagnostic test does not require any prior preparation.

12. How can I schedule my appointment?
Booking is done directly by the passenger in an online scheduling system (https://testecovid19.masterinsoft.com/) where one can choose a time that is most convenient. The booking is confirmed automatically taking into account the available time slots and the period of validity of the test results.

13. What should I do on the scheduled date?
On the scheduled day, passengers must show up at the designated place and time and present a Citizen Card or Identity Card/Passport, National Health Service Card and proof of payment of the airfare (eg. electronic ticket. Only for antigen rapid tests for travels to Madeira).

14. I don't have access to the online scheduling system, how can I schedule?
The schedule can be requested by phone, to the mobile phone (+351) 910 459 769 or to the landline (+351) 215 963 300, from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm and between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm.

15. If I am not a Portuguese citizen, should I also present a health card?
For citizens of other nationalities, at the time of the sampling, only the citizen card, identity card or passport must be presented.

16. I have symptoms of the disease. Can I take the test at CEDOC?
Yes. CEDOC has all the safety protocols to perform the tests. However, if you have symptoms of the disease such as fever (temperature> 38ºC), cough, breathing difficulties or loss of smell, you should not make any appointment and you should contact the health authorities through the SNS number 808 24 24 24, and follow the instructions given.

17. What is the difference between the diagnostic tests to COVID-19 performed by PCR and the rapid antigen tests?
Rapid antigen tests have a sensitivity greater than 90% when compared to the reference method, RT-PCR. This means that in 10 people detected by RT-PCR, the antigen test will only be able to detect 9, which means that a negative antigen test result significantly reduces the likelihood of the person being infected, but does not exclude it entirely.
It should be mentioned that the reference test also does not have a sensitivity of 100% in the detection of infected people, there is always a possibility that positives whose quantity of virus is still low, may not be identified. Hence, in all negative results, the health authorities' recommendations regarding the prevention of transmission must always be followed, that is, distance, mask use, etc. must be maintained.

18. Tests available for COVID-19 infection in CEDOC?
• Molecular Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests: these are the reference methods for the diagnosis and screening. These tests detect the presence of the RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 (virus responsible for the COVID-19 disease).
• Rapid Antigen Tests: these are proximity tests that should be used when molecular tests are not available. These tests detect the presence of proteins from the SARS-CoV-2 (virus responsible for COVID-19 disease).
• Serological tests: detect antibodies in the blood, but are not indicated for the diagnosis of active infection.

19. Which diagnostic test for COVID-19 should I choose, PCR or rapid antigen test?
The PCR test (virus nucleic acid test) is considered the reference method by the WHO and DGS.
The rapid antigen test is currently less sensitive than PCR but has been shown to detect the presence of the virus, especially 1 to 5 days after the onset of the first symptoms of COVID-19. In this situation, false negatives are rare. In other situations, where the amount of virus present is low, the test may not be able to detect it.

20. In what situations is the rapid test used?
Rapid Antigen Tests can be used in the following situations:
• In the first 5 days of symptoms, in patients without hospitalization criteria.
• In situations of unavailability of molecular tests and / or because they do not have a timely response.
• In an outbreak situation to reduce the time to obtain results and implement the necessary measures.

21. Why is it important to perform these tests?
Testing allows people to confirm whether or not they are infected. This can help them to receive the health care they need, but also to take measures to not infect others, that is, to put themselves in isolation.