Services list
General Services
CEDOC provides several state-of-the-art scientific and clinical services for researchers, clinicians and patients.

- Molecular Biology Platform - The CEDOC Molecular Biology Platform offers the Research Community access to an excellent custom molecular biology service.

- Cell Biology Service - Our team provides a unique service, exclusive in Portugal. With solid know-how, we isolate several primary blood cells, such as mononuclear cells, monocytes, B and T cells.

- NOVA-CRU - The Clinical Research Unit within CEDOC, named NOVA-CRU, is the preferential point-of-contact for the planning and set up of clinical trials within CEDOC, NOVA Medical School and associated investigators.

- Flow Cytometry Facility - The Flow Cytometry Facility in the CEDOC provides a wide array of services and solutions in flow cytometry analysis and multi-parameter cell sorting to the scientific community.

- Histology Facility - The Histology Facility provides assistance and technical work in Histology, both for CEDOC as for external users. The facility also contributes for setting up and optimizing of histological approaches for each scientific project.
- Microscopy Facility - The facility provides a wide selection of microscopes, image and data processing solutions and trained staff to provide technical support to its users, either internal or external.