The CEDOC Post-Doctoral Committee is composed by volunteer postdoctoral fellows that are committed to supporting the postdoc community at the Research Centre from NOVA Medical School, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
The purpose of the Postdoc Committee (PdC) is to represent and support the specific interests of Postdocs/Early Career Research Fellows in the NMS context, promote their sense of community and contribute to a solid institutional environment.
The CEDOC-NMS Postdoc Committee aims to assist the professional development of all NMS postdocs, encourage them to take advantage of the activities and development opportunities offered by the NMS NOVA through rotation of duties, and implement the action points identified in articulation with the CEDOC action plan and academic/scientific policies.
The CEDOC-NMS Postdoc Committee in function is composed by 5 postdocs working in different labs. They are:
Ana Sofia Brandão, from António Jacinto Lab (iNOVA4Health - CEDOC);
Andreia Henriques, from Rune Matthiesen Lab (iNOVA4Health - CEDOC);
Bárbara Mendes, from João Conde Lab (ToxOmics - CEDOC);
Lara Carvalho, from António Jacinto Lab (iNOVA4Health - CEDOC);
Tiago Baptista, from Catarina Homem Lab (iNOVA4Health - CEDOC)
Francisco Esteves, Bernardo Palma, Graça Rosas, João Ferreira, Cristina Casalou
André Marques (Otília Vieira Lab)
Bruno Gomes (Sebastião Rodrigues Lab)
João Proença (Vasco Barreto Lab)
Judit Morello (Emília Monteiro Lab)
Luisa Lemos (Miguel Seabra Lab)
Diogo Bitoque (Gabriela Silva Lab)
Fátima Martins (Sílvia Conde Lab)
Miguel Ferreira (Miguel Seabra Lab)
Nídia Sousa (António Jacinto Lab)
Susana Silva (José Rueff Lab)
Organisation of Encontros Informais com a Ciência 2020 at Centro do Conhecimento-CUF Descobertas.
Bernardo Palma (Michel Kranendonk Lab)
Cristina Casalou (Duarte Barral Lab)
Francisco Esteves (Michel Kranendonk Lab)
Graça Rosas (José Belo Lab)
João Ferreira (Paulo Pereira Lab)
Organisation of 2nd NMS Symposium on Chronic Diseases and Translational Science 2018, with the collaboration of Diogo Pestana (Conceição Calhau Lab).
Cecília Seixas (Duarte Barral Lab)
Inês de Sousa Lima (Paula Macedo Lab)
Mark Gibson (Otília Vieira Lab)
Ricardo Soares (Helena Vieira Lab)
Organisation of Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences - Scientific Symposium and Job Fair.
Cláudia Queiroga (Helena Viera Lab)
Fátima Martins (Paula Macedo Lab)
Florent Ubelmann (Cláudia Almeida Lab)
João Ferreira (Paulo Pereira Lab)
José Inácio (José Belo Lab)
Marisa Encarnação (Otília Vieira Lab)
Organisation of 1st CEDOC Symposium on Chronic Diseases.