neopl leiomioma actin  b11 10156 4-201_125


iNOVA4Health is a translational medicine programme organizing the efforts of biomedical researchers involved in i) biological understanding of disease, lead compounds and biopharmaceuticals pre-discovery, ii) technological scientists involved in preclinical development, and iii) clinicians involved in early clinical and first-in-man clinical trials from institutions within NOVA University of Lisbon. The programme will have a strong emphasis on developing therapies to promote healthy ageing and in targeting chronic diseases that are responsible for two thirds of deaths worldwide and a major burden on healthcare systems.


- Cancer Metabolism and Microenvironment | Jacinta Serpa

- Computational and Experimental Biology | Rune Matthiesen

- DNA Breaks | Vasco Barreto

- Integrative Biomedicine | Alisson Gontijo

- Membrane Traffic in Disease | Duarte Barral

- Proliferation and Fate Regulation of Stem Cells | Catarina Homem

- Tissue Repair and Inflammation | António Jacinto

- Tumor Morphology and Microenvironment | Ana Félix