Post-doc fellowship CEDOC/2014/10
Open call for a Post-doc fellowship with the reference CEDOC/2014/10 , integrated in the project PTDC/DTP-EPI/0207/2012 - “Clearance da insulina (des)regulação: clarificação do mistério”, at the Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).
Scientific area:
Life and Health Sciences, Biomedicine - Metabolism and Nutricion
Selecting criteria:
PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, Biochemical engeneering, Biology, Biochemistry and related areas. Previous experience in genetics and metabolism will be prefered.
Work plan:
Research support in a project to study the cell and molecular basis underlying the insulin clearance in diabetes. This project includes the application of genetic techniques, the interpretation of clinical results and the use of cell cultures and animal experimentation (mice).
6 months, starting on 1st september 2014, eventually renewed for more 12 months, never exceding the date of project termination at 31st May 2015.
Month Stipend:
According to regulations of FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal (€1495.00/month + SSV).
Application Documents:
Letter of Motivation, Curriculum Vitae and the contacts of previous scientific supervisors.
Selection methods:
Candidates will be pre-selected based on their Curriculum Vitae (50%), Letter of Motivation (20%) and references (30%). In case of equal classification, the applicants will be submited to an interview.
Application Period: from 27 June till 10 July.
Applications must be sent by email to application.cedoc(at), including the reference Bolsa CEDOC/2014/10 in the message subject.
Please see further information at: ERA Careers web site