Open call for a Post-doc fellowship with the reference CEDOC/2014/11 , integrated in the project PTDC/BIM-MET/0486/2012 - “CD26/DPP4 in Fatty Liver Disease progression: inflammation impinges on dysmetabolism”, at the Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).

Scientific area:
Life and Health Sciences, Biomedicine - Metabolism and Nutricion

Selecting criteria:
PhD in pharmaceutical sciences, Biochemical engeneering, Biology, Biochemistry and related areas. Previous experience in metabolism will be prefered.

Work plan:
Research support in a project to study the cell and molecular basis underlying the hepatic steatosis and associated inflammatory processes. This project includes the use of cell cultures and animal experimentation (mice) and genetics.

6 months, starting on 14th of July 2014, automatically renewed until the date of project termination at 31st May 2015.

Month Stipend:
According to regulations of FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal (€1495.00/month + SSV).

Application Documents:
Letter of Motivation, Curriculum Vitae and the contacts of previous scientific supervisors.

Selection methods:
Candidates will be pre-selected based on their Curriculum Vitae (50%), Letter of Motivation (20%) and references (30%). In case of equal classification, the applicants will be submited to an interview.

Application Period: from 20 June till 3 July.

Applications must be sent by email to application.cedoc(at), including the reference Bolsa CEDOC/2014/11 in the message subject.

Please see further information at: ERA Careers web site