Science and Technology Management Grant CEDOC/2013/05

Main research field:
Communication sciences

Research field:
Science communication

CEDOC/15/2013 PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011

Job summary:
It is open to award 1 Science and Technology Management Grant (Post-doc) with reference CEDOC/15/2013 PEst-OE/EQB/LA0004/2011 under the project, entitled Strategic Project - LA 4, the institution Center Study of Chronic Diseases, Faculty of Medical Sciences, New University of Lisbon, financed by national funds through the FCT / MCES (PIDDAC) under the following conditions:

Field of study:
Management (Funding and Communication Suport)

Admission requirements:
Doutoramento na área das Ciências Biológicas ou afins; Bons conhecimentos em Word, Excel, PowerPoint, E-mail e Internet; Bons conhecimentos de Inglês oral e escrito

Plan works:
Recolher ativamente e disseminar a informação sobre programas e organizações nacionais e internacionais que suportem a investigação científica, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a formação avançada;
Difundir, em estreita colaboração com os Investigadores Principais do Centro, informação sobre as regras de execução dos vários programas de financiamento, ajudando os investigadores a candidatarem-se a apoios nacionais e internacionais;
Difundir, para os investigadores, informação acerca dos programas de bolsas e outros apoios para investigadores e estudantes de pós-graduação e da existência de suporte financeiro para a participação em conferências e seminários;
Proporcionar a informação institucional, administrativa e financeira necessária para instruir as candidaturas às diversas fontes de financiamento, em estreita colaboração com a Secção de Gestão de projetos e a Divisão de Recursos Financeiros da FCM;
Apoiar na elaboração de relatórios institucionais do CEDOC e da FCM.
Responsabilizar-se pelas atividades de comunicação institucional: comunicação de eventos intra e inter institucional; atualizar o website institucional e elaborar as newsletters e apoiar na concretização de eventos.

Legislation and regulations:
Law N º. 40/2004 of 18 August (Status of Scientific Research Fellow); Grants Regulation Research Foundation for Science and Technology, IP-2012.

The work will be developed at the Centre for Chronic Diseases in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, New University of Lisbon, under the scientific guidance of Prof. Dr. António Jacinto.

Length (s) grant (s):
The Grant will have the duration until 31 December 2013, with foreseen commencing date on May 20, 2013.

Value of monthly maintenance allowance:
The grant corresponds to 1495€ according to the table of values ​​of grants awarded directly by FCT, IP Country (

Selection methods:
Selection methods to be used are the following: curriculum evaluation and interview.

Jury Selection:
Prof. António Jacinto - Jury President
Duarte Barral – effective Panel Member
Doutora Marta Carapuço – effective Panel Member
Professor Emilia Monteiro - alternate Panel Member
Professor Doutor António Sousa Guerreiro - alternate Panel Member

Form of advertising / notification of the results:
The final evaluation results will be publicized in a visible and public of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, New University of Lisbon, and the successful candidate notified via e-mail.

Deadline for application form and submission of applications:
The Call is open from April 29 2013 to May 13 2013.

Applications must be formalized, necessarily, by sending a letter of application accompanied by the following documents: Curriculum Vitae and certificate qualifications.
Applications should be sent by electronic mail to

or using our formulary:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Reference (copy paste from reference field)

