Services list
Flow Cytometry Facility
The Flow Cytometry Facility in the Chronic Diseases Research Center (CEDOC) of the Nova Medical School - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS-FCM), located in Lisbon, provides a wide array of services and solutions in flow cytometry analysis and multi-parameter cell sorting to the scientific community. The facility contributes to the improvement of the education and scientific development of all the fields involving flow cytometry technologies.
Our main aim is to offer assistance in the following areas: initial project planning, panel design and optimization, sample preparation and staining, instrument operation and data analysis.
Currently, our Flow Cytometry Lab has three flow cytometers focusing in different branches:
- The two flow cytometry analyzers, the BD FACSCanto II and FACScan from Becton Dickinson (BD), are used for acquisition only, and operated by researchers themselves after training.
- The BD FACSAria III, a High Speed Cell Sorter provided by Becton Dickinson (BD). The main use of this instrument is for cell separation and is operated only by the facility staff with an extensive knowledge and experience. The operation of the instrument by researchers is acceptable just when required for flow cytometry analysis, based on experience and approval by the facility staff.
The reservation schedule these instruments is available in https://next.cirklo.org/cedoc/.
Since our instruments have different laser lines (summarized in the following table), the choice of the proper equipment depends on the panel of fluorochromes to be detected, the optical configuration to detect them, and on the instrument availability.
More detailed information about each instrument optical configuration is available below.
Clicking on the Flow Cytometer logo will take you to its description.
The Unit is located at the room 2.2 of the CEDOC II building, and for any issue or needed help related with our services, please contact us:
Flow Cytometry Executive Coordinator
Cláudia Andrade
Email: claudia.andrade(at)nms.unl.pt
Tel.: +351 218 803 101; Ext: 26010
Flow Cytometry Scientific Coordinator
Gabriela Silva
Email: gabriela.silva(at)nms.unl.pt
Tel.: +351 218 803 127; Ext: 26039