Maria Emilia Monteiro

Emília Monteiro

CIÊNCIA ID: 5918-54A6-FAA0
NOVA Research Profile

WhatsApp Image 2020-06-02 at 12.34.42

Sofia Pereira

CIÊNCIA ID: 6B13-7601-73A2
NOVA Research Profile


NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
CEDOC - Chronic Diseases Research Center
Edíficio CEDOC II
Rua Câmara Pestana nº 6
Lab 3.16
1150-082 Lisboa - Portugal

Phone: (+351) 218 803 100
Lab ext:26012

Main Interests

2nd versions main interests

Research Outputs

2020 ahr esquema


imagem patent



2019 - 2020 (EudraCT 2019-002266-12 and CEIC 20191098): “Variability of 1A1 sulfotransferase activity in humans: an approach to predict drug response - 2nd part: Analysis of inter-individual variability in hypertensive patients.”, Hospital da Luz Lisboa, Portugal

2018 - 2021 (PTDC/MED-TOX/30418/2017): “AhR-CYP1A:1 linking environmental exposure and sleep apnea to improve arterial hypertension management.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2017 - 2019 (iN4H_201707-05-30): “Efficacy of olive oil and phenolic compounds in reversing hypertension induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia.”, iNOVA4Health, Portugal

2016 - 2019 (UID/Multi/04462/2013 iN4H_201601-02-021): “(per)Sulfidomics: benchmarking mechanisms underlying drug toxicity and drug resistance in precision medicine.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

2016 - 2019 (PAULIF): “AhR: a therapeutic target for co-morbidities associated with chronic intermittent hypoxia.”, Governo da República Portuguesa Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Portugal and Gouvernement francais Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, France

2016 - 2019 (Protocol nº HLUZ_001_2016; EudraCT nº: 2016-001395-29): “Variability of sulfotransferase 1A1 activity in humans: an approach to improve predictive drug response? Part I: Analysis of intraindividual variation in healthy adults.”, Hospital da Luz Lisboa, Portugal

2016 - 2017 (PGG/032/2015): “Kidney tubular lesion in HIV patients.”, Gilead Sciences Lda, Portugal

2014 - 2022 (2013/713/EU): “Portuguese Clinical Research Infrastructures network (PtCRIN).”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2014 - 2015 (EXPL/DTP-FTO/1792/2013): “HivKIomics - new insights on tubular injury and nephrotoxicity diagnosis and prediction in HIV-infected patients .”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2013 - 2015 (EXPL/DTP-PIC/1758/2013): “HIV nefromics: new markers of nephrotoxicity induced by antiretrovirals in hiv+ patients.” , Sociedade Portuguesa de Nefrologia, Portugal)

2013 - 2014 (EXPL/DTP-FTO/0204/2012): “TeachIng an olD drug nEw tricks: re-profiling An anti-HIV drug as an HDL modulator.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2012 - 2015 (FCG121986): “Zebrafish as a biomedical tool to evaluate drug toxicity.”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Portugal

2011 - 2014 (PTDC/SAU-TOX/111663/2009): “Hepatic toxicity in HIV-infected individuals exposed to nevirapine.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2011 - 2014 (PTDC/SAUTOX/112264/2009): “Chronic Intermitent Eucapnic Hypoxia: systemic effects and evaluation of antihypertensive drugs efficacy.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

Team Member:

2018 - 2021 (PTDC/NAN-OPT/31311/2017): “Photonic biosensor for point of care and early diagnostics of acute kidney injury.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2016 - 2020 (DiMoPEx/CA15129): “Diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of exposure-related non-communicable diseases.”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Belgium

2016 - 2018 (Inova4health 201707-05-35): “Targeting monocytes as angiogenesis promoters in cancer- New application for old drugs.”, iNOVA4Health, Portugal

2013 - 2016 (RECI/QEQ-MED/0330/2012): “From small bioactive molecules to an integrated OMICS approach: Mass Spectrometry tools for mechanistic insights into drug-like and functional properties, toxicity, and stress responses.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2014 - 2015 (EXPL/DTP-PIC/1758/2013): “Point of care testing of cardiovascular disease markers - detection of homocystein-thiolactone.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2010 - 2013 (PTDC/QUI-QUI/113910/2009): “Bioactivation routes of the anti - HIV drug Nevirapine: identification of reactive metabolites and mutagenic potential.”, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

2009 - 2012 (MEC Spain/CRUP Portugal PT2009-0172), BFU2007-61848 and JCyL-GR242): “Hypoxic intensity: a determinant for the role of ATP and adenosine on carotid body chemotransduction in control and chronic hypoxic animals.”, C. Gonzalez, Faculty of Medicine, Univ.

2009 - 2011 (FU2007-61848 and JCyL-GR242): “Functional significance of adenosine in the carotid body chemosensory activity in chronic sustained and intermittent hypoxia.”, C. Gonzalez, Faculty of Medicine, Univ.






  • Gonçalves-Dias C, Morello J, Correia MJ, Coelho NR, Antunes AMM, Macedo MP, Monteiro EC, Soto K, Pereira SA (2018) Mercapturate pathway in the tubulocentric perspective of diabetic kidney disease. Nephron. Accepted



  • Brinkman DJ, Tichelaar J, Schutte T, Benemei S, Böttiger Y, Chamontin B, Christiaens T, Likic R, Mačiulaitis R, Marandi T, Monteiro EC, Papaioannidou P, Pers YM, Pontes C, Raskovic A, Regenthal R, Sanz EJ, Tamba BI, Wilson K, de Vries TP, Richir MC, van Agtmael MA; Working Group Research on CPT Education of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) (2016) Essential Competencies in Prescribing: A First European Cross-Sectional Study Among 895 Final-Year Medical Students. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2016 Sep 20. doi: 10.1002/cpt.521. [Epub ahead of print]



  • 2014. Vacas S1, Degos V, Tracey KJ, Maze M.. High-mobility group box 1 protein initiates postoperative cognitive decline by engaging bone marrow-derived macrophages.. Anesthesiology. 2014 May;120(5):1160-7. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000045.
  • 2014. Pite H1, Pereira AM2, Morais-Almeida M3, Nunes C4, Bousquet J5, Fonseca JA6.. Prevalence of asthma and its association with rhinitis in the elderly.. Respir Med. 2014 Aug;108(8):1117-26. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2014.05.002. Epub 2014 May 14.
  • 2014. Nunes AR1, Monteiro E2, Gauda E3.. Soluble adenylyl cyclase in the locus coeruleus.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2014 Sep 15;201:34-7. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2014.05.011. Epub 2014 Jun 25.
  • 2014. Marinho AT1, Rodrigues PM, Caixas U, Antunes AM, Branco T, Harjivan SG, Marques MM, Monteiro EC, Pereira SA.. .Differences in nevirapine biotransformation as a factor for its sex-dependent dimorphic profile of adverse drug reactions.. Antimicrob Chemother. 2014 Feb;69(2):476-82. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkt359. Epub 2013 Sep 19
  • 2014. Marinho AT, Godinho ALA, Novais DA, Antunes AMM, Marques MM, Ramos T, Dias CG, Monteiro EC, Pereira SA. Development and validation of an HPLC-UV method for quantifying nevirapine and its main phase I metabolites in human blood. . Anal. Methods, 2014, 6 (5), 1575 - 1580.
  • 2014. Kesavan K1, Ezell T1, Bierman A2, Nunes AR3, Northington FJ1, Tankersley CG2, Gauda EB4.. Breathing and temperature control disrupted by morphine and stabilized by clonidine in neonatal rats.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2014 Sep 15;201:93-100. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2014.06.015. Epub 2014 Jul 5.
  • 2014. Kattan JA1, Kudish KS, Cadwell BL, Soto K, Hadler JL.. Effect of vaccination coordinators on socioeconomic disparities in immunization among the 2006 Connecticut birth cohort.. Am J Public Health. 2014 Jan;104(1):e74-81. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301418. Epub 2013 Nov 14.
  • 2014. Grilo NM1, Charneira C2, Pereira SA3, Monteiro EC1, Marques MM2, Antunes AM4.. Bioactivation to an aldehyde metabolite--possible role in the onset of toxicity induced by the anti-HIV drug abacavir.Toxicol Lett. 2014 Jan 30;224(3):416-23. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.10.036. Epub 2013 Nov 5.
  • 2014. Flexman AM1, Wong H, Riggs KW, Shih T, Garcia PA, Vacas S, Talke PO.. Enzyme-inducing anticonvulsants increase plasma clearance of dexmedetomidine: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study.. Anesthesiology. 2014 May;120(5):1118-25. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000000141.
  • 2014. Diogo LN1, Pinto P, Bárbara C, Monteiro EC, Papoila AL.. Neck circumference and body mass index as independent predictors of hypertension misclassification in patients suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea.. Blood Press Monit. 2014 Aug 13. [Epub ahead of print]
  • 2014. Diogo LN and Monteiro EC. The efficacy of antihypertensive drugs in chronic intermittent hypoxia conditions. Front. Physiol. 5:361. doi: 10.3389/fphys2014.00361.
  • 2014. Dias CG, Batuca JR, Marinho AT, Caixas U, Marques MM, Monteiro EC, Antunes AMM, Pereira SA. Quantification of the arylesterase activity of paraoxonase-1 in human blood. Anal. Methods, 2014,6, 289-294.
    2013. Wanke R1, Harjivan SG, Pereira SA, Marques MM, Antunes AM.. The role of competitive binding to human serum albumin on efavirenz-warfarin interaction: a nuclear magnetic resonance study.. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2013 Nov;42(5):443-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2013.06.023. Epub 2013 Sep 1.


  • 2013. Vacas S1, Degos V, Feng X, Maze M.. The neuroinflammatory response of postoperative cognitive decline.. Br Med Bull. 2013;106:161-78. doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldt006. Epub 2013 Apr 4.
  • 2013. Ribeiro MJ1, Sacramento JF, Gonzalez C, Guarino MP, Monteiro EC, Conde SV.. Carotid body denervation prevents the development of insulin resistance and hypertension induced by hypercaloric diets.. Diabetes. 2013 Aug;62(8):2905-16. doi: 10.2337/db12-1463. Epub 2013 Mar 25.
  • 2013. Pite H1, Wedi B, Borrego LM, Kapp A, Raap U.. Management of childhood urticaria: current knowledge and practical recommendations. Acta Derm Venereol. 2013 Sep 4;93(5):500-8. doi: 10.2340/00015555-1573.
  • 2013. Pite H, Gaspar Â, Paiva M, Leiria-Pinto P.. Omalizumab under 12 years old: real-life practice.. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2013 Mar-Apr;41(2):133-6. doi: 10.1016/j.aller.2012.01.008. Epub 2012 May 3
  • 2013. Nunes AR1, Holmes AP, Sample V, Kumar P, Cann MJ, Monteiro EC, Zhang J, Gauda EB.. Bicarbonate-sensitive soluble and transmembrane adenylyl cyclases in peripheral chemoreceptors.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013 Aug 15;188(2):83-93. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2013.05.013. Epub 2013 May 31.
  • 2013. Morais-Almeida M1, Pite H, Pereira AM, Todo-Bom A, Nunes C, Bousquet J, Fonseca J.. Prevalence and classification of rhinitis in the elderly: a nationwide survey in Portugal.. Allergy. 2013 Sep;68(9):1150-7. doi: 10.1111/all.12207. Epub 2013 Aug 6.
  • 2013. Kromdijk W1, Pereira SA, Rosing H, Mulder JW, Beijnen JH, Huitema AD. Development and validation of an assay for the simultaneous determination of zidovudine, abacavir, emtricitabine, lamivudine, tenofovir and ribavirin in human plasma using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2013 Mar 1;919-920:43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2013.01.005. Epub 2013 Jan 14.
  • 2013. Grilo NM1, Antunes AM, Caixas U, Marinho AT, Charneira C, Conceição Oliveira M, Monteiro EC, Matilde Marques M, Pereira SA.. .Monitoring abacavir bioactivation in humans: screening for an aldehyde metabolite. Toxicol Lett. 2013 May 10;219(1):59-64. doi: 10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.02.021. Epub 2013 Mar 4
  • 2013. Feng X1, Degos V, Koch LG, Britton SL, Zhu Y, Vacas S, Terrando N, Nelson J, Su X, Maze M.. Surgery results in exaggerated and persistent cognitive decline in a rat model of the Metabolic Syndrome.. Anesthesiology. 2013 May;118(5):1098-105. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e318286d0c9.
  • 2013. Degos V1, Vacas S, Han Z, van Rooijen N, Gressens P, Su H, Young WL, Maze M.. Depletion of bone marrow-derived macrophages perturbs the innate immune response to surgery and reduces postoperative memory dysfunction.. Anesthesiology. 2013 Mar;118(3):527-36. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e3182834d94
  • 2013. Degos V1, Maze M, Vacas S, Hirsch J, Guo Y, Shen F, Jun K, van Rooijen N, Gressens P, Young WL, Su H.. Bone fracture exacerbates murine ischemic cerebral injury.. Anesthesiology. 2013 Jun;118(6):1362-72. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e31828c23f8.
  • 2013. Papoila AL, Coelho S, Bennett M, Ma Q, Rodrigues B, Fidalgo P, Frade F, Devarajan P. Plasma NGAL for the diagnosis of AKI in patients admitted from the emergency department setting.. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Dec;8(12):2053-63. doi: 10.2215/CJN.12181212. Epub 2013 Sep 5.


  • 2012. Vacas S,Kurien P,Maze M, . Sleep and Anesthesia: Common Mechanisms of Action. Sleep Medicine Clinic, Volume 8, Issue 1, March 2013
  • 2012. Ponce-Monter HA1, Ortiz MI, Garza-Hernández AF, Monroy-Maya R, Soto-Ríos M, Carrillo-Alarcón L, Reyes-García G, Fernández-Martínez E. Effect of diclofenac with B vitamins on the treatment of acute pain originated by lower-limb fracture and surgery.. Pain Res Treat. 2012;2012:104782. doi: 10.1155/2012/104782. Epub 2011 Oct 31.
  • 2012. Pite H, Prates S, Borrego LM, Matos V, Loureiro V, Leiria-Pinto P.. Resolution of IgE-mediated fish allergy.. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2012 May-Jun;40(3):195-7. doi: 10.1016/j.aller.2011.03.004. Epub 2011 Jun 2.
  • 2012. Olímpia Cid M1, Carvalho Martins A, Zagalo C, Leite V, Brito JA, Vera-Cruz P.. Papillary thyroid carcinoma of thyroglossal duct cyst: a retrospective analysis.. Rev Laryngol Otol Rhinol (Bord). 2012;133(4-5):213-6.
  • 2012. Nunes AR1, Sample V, Xiang YK, Monteiro EC, Gauda E, Zhang J.. Effect of oxygen on phosphodiesterases (PDE) 3 and 4 isoforms and PKA activity in the superior cervical ganglia.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;758:287-94. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-4584-1_39.
  • 2012. Nunes AR1, Chavez-Valdez R, Ezell T, Donnelly DF, Glover JC, Gauda EB.. Effect of development on [Ca2+]i transients to ATP in petrosal ganglion neurons: a pharmacological approach using optical recording. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2012 Apr;112(8):1393-402. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00511.2011. Epub 2012 Jan 12.
  • 2012. Morello J, Garcia S, Ribera E, Rodríguez-Novoa S, Gutierrez F, Soriano V; Sinres Team.. Plasma raltegravir exposure influences the antiviral activity and selection of resistance mutations. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 Feb;28(2):156-64. doi: 10.1089/AID.2010.0370. Epub 2011 May 6
  • 2012. D Pinto, PA Caetano, B Heleno, D Rodrigues, EC Monteiro, I Santos. Development of Intervention Tools Demanded by the International Monetary Fund and the European Union To Improve Prescribing Quality of Acid Suppressive, Anti-platelet and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY 21, 50-50
  • 2012. D Pinto, PA Caetano, B Heleno, A Faria-Vaz, I Santos. Effect of Regulatory Measures on Nimesulide Utilization in the Lisbon Region.
  • 2012. Conde SV1, Ribeiro MJ, Obeso A, Rigual R, Monteiro EC, Gonzalez . Chronic caffeine intake in adult rat inhibits carotid body sensitization produced by chronic sustained hypoxia but maintains intact chemoreflex output. Mol Pharmacol. 2012 Dec;82(6):1056-65. doi: 10.1124/mol.112.081216. Epub 2012 Aug 28.
  • 2012. Conde SV1, Obeso A, Monteiro EC, Gonzalez C.. Effect of chronic caffeine intake on carotid body catecholamine dynamics in control and chronically hypoxic rats.. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;758:315-23. doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-4584-1_43.
  • 2012. Conde SV1, Nunes da Silva T, Gonzalez C, Mota Carmo M, Monteiro EC, Guarino MP.. Chronic caffeine intake decreases circulating catecholamines and prevents diet-induced insulin resistance and hypertension in rats.. Br J Nutr. 2012 Jan;107(1):86-95. doi: 10.1017/S0007114511002406. Epub 2011 Jun 23.
  • 2012. Conde SV1, Monteiro EC, Rigual R, Obeso A, Gonzalez C.. Hypoxic intensity: a determinant for the contribution of ATP and adenosine to the genesis of carotid body chemosensory activity.. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2012 Jun;112(12):2002-10. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01617.2011. Epub 2012 Apr 12.
  • 2012. Coelho S1, Aparício SR, Manso R, Soto K.. Quiz page June 2012: kidney failure in an HIV-positive patient.. Am J Kidney Dis. 2012 Jun;59(6):A27-30. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2012.03.005.
  • 2012. Chavez-Valdez R1, Mason A, Nunes AR, Northington FJ, Tankersley C, Ahlawat R, Johnson SM, Gauda EB.. Effect of hyperoxic exposure during early development on neurotrophin expression in the carotid body and nucleus tractus solitarii.. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2012 May;112(10):1762-72. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01609.2011. Epub 2012 Mar 15.
  • 2012. Charneira C1, Grilo NM, Pereira SA, Godinho AL, Monteiro EC, Marques MM, Antunes AM.. N-terminal valine adduct from the anti-HIV drug abacavir in rat haemoglobin as evidence for abacavir metabolism to a reactive aldehyde in vivo.. Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Nov;167(6):1353-61. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02079.x.
  • 2012. Caixas U1, Antunes AM, Marinho AT, Godinho AL, Grilo NM, Marques MM, Oliveira MC, Branco T, Monteiro EC, Pereira SA. Evidence for nevirapine bioactivation in man: searching for the first step in the mechanism of nevirapine toxicity.. Toxicology. 2012 Nov 15;301(1-3):33-9. doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2012.06.013. Epub 2012 Jun 28.
  • 2012. Caixas U, Ferreira J, Marinho AT, Faustino I, Grilo NM, Lampreia F, Germano I, Monteiro EC, Pereira SA. Long-term maraviroc use as salvage therapy in HIV-2 infection.. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 Oct;67(10):2538-9. doi: 10.1093/jac/dks240. Epub 2012 Jun 22.
  • 2012. Borrego P1, Calado R, Marcelino JM, Bártolo I, Rocha C, Cavaco-Silva P, Doroana M, Antunes F, Maltez F, Caixas U, Barroso H, Taveira N.. Baseline susceptibility of primary HIV-2 to entry inhibitors.. Antivir Ther. 2012;17(3):565-70. doi: 10.3851/IMP1996. Epub 2012 Jan 25.
  • 2012. Astudillo P, Blondel CJ, Norambuena T, Soto K.. Chile's research planning falls short.. Science. 2012 Apr 27;336(6080):412. doi: 10.1126/science.336.6080.412-a.


  • 2011. Vispo E1, Morello J, Rodriguez-Novoa S, Soriano V. Noncirrhotic portal hypertension in HIV infection.. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2011 Feb;24(1):12-8. doi: 10.1097/QCO.0b013e3283420f08.
  • 2011. Terrando N1, Brzezinski M, Degos V, Eriksson LI, Kramer JH, Leung JM, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Vacas S, Weiner MW, Yaffe K, Young WL, Xie Z, Maze M.. Perioperative cognitive decline in the aging population. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 Sep;86(9):885-93. doi: 10.4065/mcp.2011.0332
  • 2011. Soto K1, Petit S, Hadler JL.. Changing disparities in invasive pneumococcal disease by socioeconomic status and race/ ethnicity in Connecticut, 1998-2008.. Public Health Rep. 2011 Sep-Oct;126 Suppl 3:81-8.
  • 2011. Rallón NI1, Morello J, Labarga P, Benito JM, Rodríguez-Nóvoa S, Vispo E, Barreiro P, Castro MÁ, Aguirrebengoa K, Pineda JA, Miralles P, Tellez MJ, Portu J, Miralles C, Ocampo A, Soriano V; Peginterferon Ribavirin Coinfection Team.. Impact of inosine triphosphatase gene variants on the risk of anemia in HIV/hepatitis C virus-coinfected patients treated for chronic hepatitis C.. Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Dec;53(12):1291-5. doi: 10.1093/cid/cir665. Epub 2011 Oct 25.
  • 2011. Pité H1, Moitinho M, Silva A, Ortigueira I, Dias L, Gomes V. [Painful thyroid palpation].[Article in Portuguese]. Acta Med Port. 2011 Sep-Oct;24(5):821-6. Epub 2011 Dec 29.
  • 2011. Morello J1, Alvarez E, Cuenca L, Vispo E, González-Lahoz J, Soriano V, Rodríguez-Nóvoa S. Short communication: use of serum bilirubin levels as surrogate marker of early virological response to atazanavir-based antiretroviral therapy.. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 Oct;27(10):1043-5. doi: 10.1089/AID.2011.0019. Epub 2011 Mar 23
  • 2011. Monteiro TC1, Batuca JR, Obeso A, González C, Monteiro EC.. Carotid body function in aged rats: responses to hypoxia, ischemia, dopamine, and adenosine.. Age (Dordr). 2011 Sep;33(3):337-50. doi: 10.1007/s11357-010-9187-z. Epub 2010 Oct 5.
  • 2011. Jiménez-Nácher I1, Alvarez E, Morello J, Rodriguez-Nóvoa S, de Andrés S, Soriano V.. Approaches for understanding and predicting drug interactions in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients.. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2011 Apr;7(4):457-77. doi: 10.1517/17425255.2011.558839. Epub 2011 Feb 23.
  • 2011. Gonzalez-Martín MC1, Vega-Agapito MV, Conde SV, Castañeda J, Bustamante R, Olea E, Perez-Vizcaino F, Gonzalez C, Obeso A.. Carotid body function and ventilatory responses in intermittent hypoxia. Evidence for anomalous brainstem integration of arterial chemoreceptor input.. J Cell Physiol. 2011 Aug;226(8):1961-9. doi: 10.1002/jcp.22528.
  • 2011. Charneira C1, Godinho AL, Oliveira MC, Pereira SA, Monteiro EC, Marques MM, Antunes AM.. Reactive aldehyde metabolites from the anti-HIV drug abacavir: amino acid adducts as possible factors in abacavir toxicity.. Chem Res Toxicol. 2011 Dec 19;24(12):2129-41. doi: 10.1021/tx200337b. Epub 2011 Nov 11.


  • 2010. Vispo E1, Labarga P, Guardiola JM, Barreiro P, Miralles C, Rubio R, Miralles P, Aguirrebengoa K, Portu J, Morello J, Rodriguez-Novoa S, Soriano V; PERICO Study Group. Preemptive erythropoietin plus high ribavirin doses to increase rapid virological responses in HIV patients treated for chronic hepatitis C.. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2010 Apr;26(4):419-24. doi: 10.1089/aid.2009.0120.
  • 2010. Vispo E1, Barreiro P, Maida I, Mena A, Blanco F, Rodríguez-Novoa S, Morello J, Jimenez-Nacher I, Gonzalez-Lahoz J, Soriano V.. Simplification from protease inhibitors to once- or twice-daily raltegravir: the ODIS trial.. HIV Clin Trials. 2010 Jul-Aug;11(4):197-204. doi: 10.1310/hct1104-197.
  • 2010. Vera-Cruz P1, Ferreira M, Zagalo C, dos Santos JM, Aguas AP. Structure of the rat nasal mucosa after acute and chronic hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2010 Mar-Apr;37(2):125-32.
  • 2010. Soto K1, Wu YL, Ortiz A, Aparício SR, Yu CY.. Familial C4B deficiency and immune complex glomerulonephritis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010 Apr;54(4):1647-9. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01399-09. Epub 2010
  • 2010. Rodríguez-Nóvoa S1, Cuenca L, Morello J, Córdoba M, Blanco F, Jiménez-Nácher I, Soriano V.. Use of the HCP5 single nucleotide polymorphism to predict hypersensitivity reactions to abacavir: correlation with HLA-B*5701.. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2010 Aug;65(8):1567-9. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkq204. Epub 2010 Jun
  • 2010. Ortiz MI1, Monroy-Maya R, Soto-Ríos M, Carrillo-Alarcón LC, Ponce-Monter HA, Rangel-Flores E, Loo-Estrada JJ, Izquierdo-Vega JA, Sánchez-Gutiérrez M. Effectiveness of diclofenac, ketorolac and etoricoxib in the treatment of acute pain from ankle fracture. Proc West Pharmacol Soc. 2010;53:46-8.
  • 2010. Nunes AR1, Batuca JR, Monteiro EC.. Acute hypoxia modifies cAMP levels induced by inhibitors of phosphodiesterase-4 in rat carotid bodies, carotid arteries and superior cervical ganglia. Br J Pharmacol. 2010 Jan 1;159(2):353-61. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2009.00534.x. Epub 2010 Jan 15.
  • 2010. Morello J1, Soriano V, Barreiro P, Medrano J, Madejón A, González-Pardo G, Jiménez-Nácher I, González-Lahoz J, Rodríguez-Novoa S.See comment in PubMed Commons below. Plasma ribavirin trough concentrations at week 4 predict hepatitis C virus (HCV) relapse in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients treated for chronic hepatitis C.. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010 Apr;54(4):1647-9. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01399-09. Epub 2010 Jan 25.
  • 2010. Morello J1, Rodríguez-Novoa S, Blanco F, Vispo E, Barreiro P, Gonzalez-Pardo G, Jiménez-Nácher I, González-Lahoz J, Soriano V. The benefit of simplification from tipranavir/ritonavir 500/200 bid to 500/100 bid guided by therapeutic drug monitoring. Ther Drug Monit. 2010 Apr;32(2):242-4. doi: 10.1097/FTD.0b013e3181d3f97f
  • 2010. Morello J1, Cuenca L, Soriano V, Medrano J, Madejón A, Vispo E, Barreiro P, Labarga P, Jiménez-Nácher I, Rodríguez-Nóvoa S.. Influence of a single nucleotide polymorphism at the main ribavirin transporter gene on the rapid virological response to pegylated interferon-ribavirin therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. J Infect Dis. 2010 Oct 15;202(8):1185-91. doi: 10.1086/656334.
  • 2010. Labarga P1, Vispo E, Barreiro P, Rodríguez-Novoa S, Pinilla J, Morello J, Martín-Carbonero L, Tuma P, Medrano J, Soriano V.. Rate and predictors of success in the retreatment of chronic hepatitis C virus in HIV/hepatitis C Virus coinfected patients with prior nonresponse or relapse. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Mar;53(3):364-8. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e3181bd5ce1.
  • 2010. Labarga P1, Medrano J, Seclen E, Poveda E, Rodriguez-Novoa S, Morello J, de Mendoza C, Vispo E, Soriano V.. Safety and efficacy of tenofovir/emtricitabine plus nevirapine in HIV-infected patients. AIDS. 2010 Mar 13;24(5):777-9. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0b013e3283322895.
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- Xavier Coumol & Robert Barouki INSERM UMR-S 1124, Toxicologie Pharmacologie et Signalisation Cellulaire & France, Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité

- Oleg A. Mayoboroda - Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands

- Frederick Beland –National Center for Toxicological Research, Arkansas, USA


- Alexandra Antunes & Matilde Marques - Instituto Superior Técnico

- Jacinta Serpa - IPO Lisboa

- Joana Miranda - FFUL

- Rosário Bronze - IBET

- Alessandro Fantoni - ISEL

- João Vicente - ITQB

-Gabriela Almeida - Egas Moniz

- Isabel Germano, Fátima Lampreia - Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central EPE

- Teresa Branco - Hospital Fernando da Fonseca, Amadora

Team photos

tese nuno

LAB 2020


tese clara

tese Pité

tese Aline


LAB 2016
