We are interested in clinical and psychosocial assessment of psychiatric disorders, psychiatric epidemiology, mental health policy/services evaluation research, ageing and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Researchers from our group have coordinated or collaborated in several multicentre studies funded by European and national funding agencies (e.g., psychiatric epidemiology, prediction of depressive episodes, needs assessment in schizophrenia and dementia, family burden, psychoeducational interventions, forensic psychiatry, mental health in prisons, access to timely formal care in dementia). Some of these researchers regularly collaborate with the Portuguese government (Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health) in the development and implementation of mental health plans and policies on a national basis.
There are strong connections with international research networks like INTERDEM and the 10/66 Dementia Research Group. There are also close collaborations with different clinical services, affiliated or not with NOVA Medical School. The same applies to the third sector, and patient and family associations (e.g. Alzheimer Portugal).
Main interests and Research Areas
• Clinical and psychosocial evaluation of psychiatric disorders and dementia, with a special focus on family aspects.
• Psychiatric epidemiology (psychiatric disorders and dementia, and their determinants).
• Needs and quality of life assessment of people with mental health problems and dementia, and their informal carers (e.g., general population, primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, prisons).
• Non-pharmacological interventions and person-centered care, including psychoeducation; multidisciplinary approaches to older people care, palliative geriatric medicine, prevention of mental disorders and mental health promotion; social health in dementia; information and communication technologies in dementia care.
• Evaluation of mental health policies, programs, and interventions (from local to national level).
• Stigma, attitudes toward psychiatry, recovery and social inclusion.
• Adherence to treatment.
• Implementation science related with the organization of mental health services.
• Communication, humanism and spirituality in health across the life cycle.
Recent scientific contributions (from 2013):
Actifcare (Access to Timely Formal Care in Dementia)
(Coordination – Frans Verhey & Marjolein de Vugt, Maastricht University)
This was a multicentre European project, supported by the EU Joint Programme - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND)
PI for Portugal: Manuel Gonçalves Pereira
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT - JPND-HC/0001/2012); 2014-2017
The Masters in Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion
(Coordination: University of Hertfordshire, UK)
This is the first European MSc focused on Recovery, a European Commission ERASMUS Lifelong Learning funded Programme, involving researchers from UK, Portugal (NOVA Medical School), Italy and Poland.
PI for Portugal: Miguel Xavier
Funding: EU Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) - 517918-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-ERASMUS-ECDCE
Prevalence of old age neuropsychiatric disorders: Contribution to mental health policy in Portugal – The 10/66 Dementia Research Group Prevalence Study in Portugal
Collaboration with the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, and the 10/66 Dementia Research Group (Coordination: Martin Prince): 1066.alzint.org
PI for Portugal: Miguel Xavier
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (PTDC/SAU-EPI/113652/2009); 2011-2014
Ongoing Projects:
“Dementia in Primary Care: the Patient, the Carer and the Doctor in the Medical Encounter” (2019-2020, extended). Bayer / NOVASAÚDE AGEING 2018 grant. (PI: Manuel Gonçalves Pereira; field coordinator: Conceição Balsinha).
Ten recent publications (2011 - Jan 2021)
- Navarro-Mateu F, Alonso J, Lim CCW, Saha S, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Andrade LH, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Chatterji S, Degenhardt L, de Girolamo G, de Jonge P, Fayyad J, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hu C, Karam EG, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Medina-Mora ME, Ojagbemi A, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Scott KM, Stagnaro JC, Xavier M, Kendler KS, Kessler RC, McGrath JJ; WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators.(2017) The association between psychotic experiences and disability: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2017 May 25. doi: 10.1111/acps.12749. [Epub ahead of print]
- Koenen KC, Ratanatharathorn A, Ng L, McLaughlin KA, Bromet EJ, Stein DJ, Karam EG, Meron Ruscio A, Benjet C, Scott K, Atwoli L, Petukhova M, Lim CC, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Bunting B, Ciutan M, de Girolamo G, Degenhardt L, Gureje O, Haro JM, Huang Y, Kawakami N, Lee S, Navarro-Mateu F, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Sampson N, Ten Have M, Torres Y, C Viana M, Williams D, Xavier M, Kessler RC (2017) Posttraumatic stress disorder in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med. 2017 Apr 7:1-15. doi: 10.1017/S0033291717000708. [Epub ahead of print]
- Gonçalves-Pereira M, González-Fraile E, Santos-Zorrozúa B, Martín-Carrasco M, Fernández-Catalina P, Domínguez-Panchón AI, Muñoz-Hermoso P, Ballesteros J (2017) Assessment of the consequences of caregiving in psychosis: a psychometric comparison of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ). Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2017 Apr 5;15(1):63. doi: 10.1186/s12955-017-0626-8.
- Wardenaar KJ, Lim CC, Al-Hamzawi AO, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Benjet C, Bunting B, de Girolamo G, Demyttenaere K, Florescu SE, Gureje O, Hisateru T, Hu C, Huang Y, Karam E, Kiejna A, Lepine JP, Navarro-Mateu F, Oakley Browne M, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Ten Have ML, Torres Y, Xavier M, Zarkov Z, Kessler RC, Scott KM, de Jonge P. (2017) The cross-national epidemiology of specific phobia in the World Mental Health Surveys. Psychol Med. 2017 Feb 22:1-17. doi: 10.1017/S0033291717000174. [Epub ahead of print]
- McGrath JJ, McLaughlin KA, Saha S, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Bruffaerts R, de Girolamo G, de Jonge P, Esan O, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hu C, Karam EG, Kovess-Masfety V, Lee S, Lepine JP, Lim CC, Medina-Mora ME, Mneimneh Z, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Sampson N, Viana MC, Xavier M, Bromet EJ, Kendler KS, Kessler RC. (2017) The association between childhood adversities and subsequent first onset of psychotic experiences: a cross-national analysis of 23 998 respondents from 17 countries. Psychol Med. 2017 Jan 9:1-16. doi: 10.1017/S0033291716003263. [Epub ahead of print]
- Grácio J, Gonçalves-Pereira M, Leff J. (2016) What do We Know about Family Interventions for Psychosis at the Process Level? A Systematic Review. Fam Process. 2016 Mar;55(1):79-90. doi: 10.1111/famp.12155. Epub 2015 Apr 21.
- Kerpershoek L, de Vugt M, Wolfs C, Jelley H, Orrel M, Woods B, Stephan A, Bieber A, Meyer G, Engedal K, Selbaek G, Handels R, Wimo A, Hopper L, Irving K, Marques M, Gonçalves-Pereira M1, Portolani E, Zanetti O, Verhey F; Actifcare Consortium. (2016) Access to timely formal dementia care in Europe: protocol of the Actifcare (ACcess to Timely Formal Care) study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Aug 23;16(1):423.
- Moura M, Silva-Dos-Santos A, Afonso J, Talina M. (2016) First-episode psychosis in a 15 year-old female with clinical presentation of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: a case report and review of the literature. BMC Res Notes. 2016 Jul 29;9:374. doi: 10.1186/s13104-016-2180-6.
- Fayyad J, Sampson NA, Hwang I, Adamowski T, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Andrade LH, Borges G, de Girolamo G, Florescu S, Gureje O, Haro JM, Hu C, Karam EG, Lee S, Navarro-Mateu F, O'Neill S, Pennell BE, Piazza M, Posada-Villa J, Ten Have M, Torres Y, Xavier M, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC; WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. (2016) The descriptive epidemiology of DSM-IV Adult ADHD in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys.Atten Defic Hyperact Disord. 2016 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Kovess-Masfety V, Evans-Lacko S, Williams D, Andrade LH, Benjet C5, Ten Have M, Wardenaar K, Karam EG, Bruffaerts R, Abdumalik J, Haro Abad JM, Florescu S, Wu B, De Jonge P, Altwaijri Y, Hinkov H, Kawakami N, Caldas-de-Almeida JM, Bromet E, de Girolamo G, Posada-Villa J, Al-Hamzawi A, Huang Y, Hu C, Viana MC, Fayyad J, Medina-Mora ME, Demyttenaere K, Lepine JP, Murphy S, Xavier M, Takeshima T, Gureje O. (2016) The role of religious advisors in mental health care in the World Mental Health surveys.Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2016 Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Baptista H, Mendes JM, MacNab YC, Xavier M, Caldas-de-Almeida J. (2016) A Gaussian random field model for similarity-based smoothing in Bayesian disease mapping. Stat Methods Med Res. 2016 Aug;25(4):1166-84. doi: 10.1177/0962280216660407.
- Slade T, Chiu WT, Glantz M, Kessler RC, Lago L, Sampson N, Al-Hamzawi A, Florescu S, Moskalewicz J, Murphy S, Navarro-Mateu F, Torres de Galvis Y, Viana MC, Xavier M, Degenhardt L. (2016) A Cross-National Examination of Differences in Classification of Lifetime Alcohol Use Disorder Between DSM-IV and DSM-5: Findings from the World Mental Health Survey. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2016 Jul 18. doi: 10.1111/acer.13134. [Epub ahead of print]
- Scott KM, Lim CC, Hwang I, Adamowski T, Al-Hamzawi A, Bromet E, Bunting B, Ferrand MP, Florescu S, Gureje O, Hinkov H, Hu C, Karam E, Lee S, Posada-Villa J, Stein D, Tachimori H, Viana MC, Xavier M, Kessler RC. (2016) The cross-national epidemiology of DSM-IV intermittent explosive disorder. Psychol Med. 2016 Aug 30:1-12. [Epub ahead of print]
- Moreno-Küstner B, Jones R, Švab I, Maaroos H, Xavier M, Geerlings M, Torres-González F, Nazareth I, Motrico-Martínez E, Montón-Franco C, Gil-de-Gómez MJ, Sánchez-Celaya M, Díaz-Barreiros MÁ, Vicens-Caldentey C, King M. (2016) Suicidality in primary care patients who present with sadness and anhedonia: a prospective European study. BMC Psychiatry. 2016 Apr 6;16(1):94. doi: 10.1186/s12888-016-0775-z.
- An international risk prediction algorithm for the onset of generalized anxiety and panic syndromes in general practice attendees: the Predict A. M. King, C. Bottomley, J. A. Bellon-Saameno, F. Torres-Gonzalez, I. Svab5, J. Rifel, H.-I. Maaroos, A. Aluoja, M. I. Geerlings, M. Xavier, I. Carraça, B. Vicente, S. Saldivia and I. Nazareth. Psychological Medicine, 2011 Jan 6.:1-15.
- Predicting the onset of major depression in primary care: international validation of a risk prediction algorithm from Spain. J Bellon, J Dios Luna, M King, B. Moreno-Kustner, I. Nazareth, M Xavier. Psychological Medicine, 2011, Oct, 41 (10):2075-88.
- Depression, anxiety and physical function: exploring the strength of causality. B Stegenga, I Nazareth, F Torres-González, M Xavier, I Svab, M Geerlings, C Bottomley, L Marston, M King. J Epidemiol Community Health. Jun 21, 2011.
- Heavy Episodic Drinking in Europe: A Cross Section Study in Primary Care in Six European Countries. I Nazareth, C Walker, A Ridolfi, A Aluoja, J Bellon , M Geerlings, I Svab, M Xavier and M King. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Sep-Oct; 46(5): 600-606, 2011.
- Development and Validation of a Risk Model for Prediction of Hazardous Alcohol Consumption in General Practice Attendees: The PredictAL Study. M King, L Marston, I Švab, HI Maaroos, M Geerlings, M Xavier et al. PLoS One. 2011; 6(8):e22175.
- Associations between unemployment and major depressive disorder: Evidence from an international, prospective study (the predict cohort). Jefferis BJ, Nazareth I, Marston L, Moreno-Kustner B, Bellón JÁ, Svab I, Rotar D, Geerlings MI, Xavier M, Goncalves-Pereira M, Vicente B, Saldivia S, Aluoja A, Kalda R, King M. Soc Sci Med. 2011 Dec;73(11):1627-34.
Selected books and chapters (2017 – Jan 2021)
Other publications (2011 – Jan 2021)