Neuronal Control of Metabolic Disturbances: Therapeutic Strategies

foto prof silvia

Silvia V. Conde

Principal Investigator

. PhD in Biotechnology, University of Valladolid, Spain
. PhD in Life Sciences-Pharmacology, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
. DEA in Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valladolid, Spain
. Degree in Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal


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Campus Sant'Ana
Pólo de Investigação, NMS, UNL
Rua Câmara Pestana, nº 6, Lab 3.16
1150-082 Lisboa, Portugal

Phone: (+351) 218 803 101 (ext. 26022)
Lab Ext:  26012/3
E-mail: silvia.conde(at)


Main interests

Metabolic disorders like obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) affect millions of individuals, contributing to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. The therapeutic strategies are scarce. Our group is focused on exploring the pathophysiological mechanisms behind the development of metabolic diseases and in the identification of prevention strategies and treatment interventions that would help stem this epidemic.

We have a translational and multidisciplinary scientific approach, going from the study in cells, to animals and humans. As such, we use traditional and cutting edge methodologies going from biochemistry, to cell and tissue biology and imaging, to electrophysiology and in vivo studies. We are also focused on the development of mathematical and computational tools to analyze data and to promote the wellbeing of metabolic disease patients.

To know more about this, check our publications.

Our research areas:

1- Role of autonomic nervous system and in particular the carotid body (CB), a peripheral chemoreceptor, on the genesis of metabolic disorders

1st image main interests

Ribeiro et al. 2013. Diabetes; Sacramento et al. 2017. Diabetologia; Conde et al. 2017 J Physiol; Ribeiro et al. 2018. J Physiol; Conde et al. 2018. Physiol Genomics; Sacramento et al. 2020. IJMS; Cunha-Guimaraes et al. 2020 EJE

2- Modulation of adenosine and/or dopamine signaling/metabolism in insulin-sensitive tissues to ameliorate glucose metabolism and tissue function in metabolic diseases.

main interests 2

Conde et al. 2012. BJN; Guarino et al 2013 Age; Sacramento et al. 2015. EJPS; Sacramento et al. 2020 Front Endoc

3- Exploring molecular players and pathways to promote adipose tissue browning as targets for obesity and type 2 diabetes

Research Area 3

4- Modulation of peripheral nerves to treat metabolic diseases, e.g. by the use of bioelectroceuticals

our research 4

Sacramento et al. 2018 Diabetologia; Cracchiolo et al. 2019 IEEE
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Research Team

Cell 2 Silvia V. Conde – Group Leader

Silvia V. Conde is a Professor of Pharmacology and Neuroscience at NOVA Medical School (NMS) and Principal Investigator at CEDOC (Chronic Disease Research Center) of NMS. She pursued her PhD in Pharmacology from the New University of Lisbon (Portugal) and in Biotechnology from the University of Valladolid (Spain) in 2007, on the role of purines in hypoxic signaling in the carotid body (CB). Afterwards, she was dedicated to understanding the pathophysiological alterations in the CB and autonomic nervous system that are in the genesis of cardiometabolic and respiratory Human diseases. As a PI, she developed a new line of research on CB and dysmetabolism, based on the pioneering idea that CB controls glucose homeostasis. She is dedicated to characterization of pathophysiological biosignals, disease signatures and fingerprints that will allow the identification of targets for therapy, particularly bioelectronic targets, as her group described that high frequency electrical stimulation of carotid sinus nerve restores glucose homeostasis in type 2 diabetes models. Her research within this field originated 2 patents. In 2009 she was awarded with the L’Oreal Medals Honor for Women in Science Portugal and since then her group won several prizes from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes and from the Pulido Valente Foundation.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5920-5700
Ciência ID: 561E-CF29-600A
Research gate:
Scientific interests: Neural control of metabolism, breathing and feeding behavior
Keywords: carotid body, hypoxic chemotransduction, autonomic nervous system and bioelectronic medicines; obesity; type 2 diabetes
Hobbies: Family gatherings; Traveling; Football; Food & Friends

Cell 2 Miguel M. Cardoso – Research Associate

Miguel Cardoso has a degree in Communication Design by the Arts Faculty of University of Porto, and a PhD on Interactive Music Systems, researching in the fields of computational engineering, exploratory data analysis, visualisation and sonification.
Since 2003, he has collaborated with many companies in the fields of science, finance, marketing, culture and arts, having developed many projects that involve data exploration and manipulation by means of complex information systems, that result in interactive visualisation and sonification software.

Ciência ID: 791F-014B-912A
Scientific interests: Computational engineering, data analysis
Hobbies: Family gatherings; Traveling; Surf and running; Food & Friends

Cell 2Fátima O. Martins – Junior Researcher FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus

Fátima O. Martins completed her PhD in Experimental Biology and Biomedicine in 2014 by the University of Coimbra-Institute for Interdisciplinary Research. She previously completed a Master Degree in Biochemistry in 2010 from the University of Coimbra-Faculty of Science and Technology and a Degree in Biochemistry in 2006 from the University of Coimbra-Faculty of Science and Technology. She is currently a researcher at Nova Medical School / Universidade Nova de Lisboa where she is dedicated to the study of the mechanisms involved in the development of states of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes associated with obesity, namely the study of the role of adenosine in central and peripheral regulation of sensitivity to insulin. She was also an Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro in the course of anatomophysiology between 2016 and 2017. She published 12 articles in specialized international magazines and received several awards and/or honors in national and international congresses and throughout her academic career. She has also developed entrepreneurial activities, including the creation of a biotech startup, Lifetag Diagnostics, where she is developing an innovative product for detecting changes in intestinal permeability.

ORCID: 0000-0003-2161-459X
Ciência ID: 7A18-1D50-F82D
Research gate:
Scientific interests: Peripheral and central regulation of insulin sensitivity in prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and obesity
Hobbies: walking in the nature, spending joyful time with family, knitting, travelling

Cell 2 Joana Sacramento - Junior Researcher FCT Scientific Employment Stimulus

Joana Sacramento graduated in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 2010 and obtained her master’s degree in Biotechnology in 2012, both from Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of UNL. In 2019, she finished her PhD in Mechanisms of Disease and Regenerative Medicine from NMS|FCM, on the modulation of carotid body activity as a therapeutic intervention in metabolic diseases. After her PhD, she was award with the Albert Renold Fellowship from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD) and the Nuno Castelo Branco Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetology to make a post-doc at the Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, France, under the supervision of Philippe Blancou. During the last years, she has been dedicated to understanding the role of the carotid body in metabolic diseases and she is also interested in understanding the role of purines, as adenosine, in the carotid body chemosensory activity, as well as, in the glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. She was Invited Assistance of Pharmacology at NMS between 2018 and 2020. In 2017, she was awarded with the Fernando de Castro Trainee Award for Excellence in Science Related to Peripheral Arterial Chemoreceptors from the International Society for Arterial Chemoreception and in 2018, with Pulido Valente Ciência Award from Pulido Valente Foundation and the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal).

ORCID: 0000-0002-0853-4918
Ciência ID: 051A-D3AD-AEAD
Research gate:
Scientific interests: carotid body, adenosine, metabolic diseases, neuronal control of metabolism
Hobbies: Family gatherings, reading, walking in the nature and travelling

Cell 2 Bernardete Melo – PhD student

Bernardete Melo has been part of the Neuronal Control of Metabolic Disturbances research group since 2013. She graduated in Biomedical Sciences in 2011, at Escola Superior de Saúde do Porto and obtained her master’s degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics in 2014, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. Currently, she is a PhD candidate of the Doctoral Programme Mechanisms of Disease and Regenerative Medicine, at NOVA Medical School, under the supervision of Sílvia V. Conde. Her project focuses on studying the role of the carotid body in the development of obesity and its potential as a therapeutic target to treat it. She published 11 articles in several peer-reviewed journals and was awarded with several national and international awards among which are the Albert Renold Fellowship by the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), Best Poster Award at the Early Career Physiologists’ Symposium, Dr. Machiko Shirahata Trainee Award by the International Society of Arterial Chemoreception (ISAC), Professor Manuel Hargreaves SPD/NOVARTIS Award from Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia and NOVARTIS, and Fundação AstraZeneca Innovate Competition Award.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5065-5385
Ciência ID: F01C-821E-FA56
Research gate:
Scientific interests: Adipose tissue dysfunction, brown adipose tissue, neuronal control of metabolism
Hobbies: Travelling, reading, photography, music and painting

Cell 2 Adriana Capucho – Master Student

Adriana Capcuho has been part of the research group since 2019. She graduated as Biochemistry in 2019, at Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Currently, she is doing her master's in NOVA Biomedical Research (NBR) at NOVA Medical School- NMS. She did the Aging & Chronic Diseases and Neuroscience specializations and she is doing her thesis under the supervision of Sílvia V. Conde and Hugo Vicente Miranda. She is studying the role of insulin resistance in neurodegeneration mainly associated with Parkinson’s Disease. At the same time, she is integrated in a project aiming the modulation of carotid body activity to control satiety pathways in the hypothalamus. Since she started her work in the laboratory, she was awarded with an honor prize by the Portuguese Society for the study of Obesity (SPEO) and an award for the best oral communication in the field of fundamental research in the 17th Portuguese Congress of Diabetes (SPD).

ORCID: 0000-0002-1811-5637
Ciência ID: 7A11-E624-0A07
Research gate:
Scientific interests: dysmetabolism, carotid body, neurodegeneration, neuronal control of food behaviour
Hobbies: Travelling, swimming, walking in the beach, photography, family & friends

Cell 2 Solange Farreca – Master Student

Solange Farreca has been part of the NeuroMetab Lab since 2019. She graduated as Biochemistry in 2019, at Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Currently, she is in the 2nd year of the master in Biopharmaceutical Sciences at University of Lisbon and she is doing her thesis under supervision of Sílvia V. Conde and Fátima O. Martins on the Effects of chronic caffeine consumption on adipose tissue angiogenesis, hypoxia and inflammation in metabolic diseases: characterization of adenosine receptors. Since she started her work in the laboratory, she was awarded with best poster communication in the category of nutrition by the Portuguese Society for the study of Obesity (SPEO) in the 24th Portuguese Obesity Congress.

ORCID: 0000-0003-2802-4912
Ciência ID: 3F1E-FD4F-AEC7
Research gate:
Scientific interests: adipose tissue dysfunction, dysmetabolism, metabolic disorders
Hobbies: Travelling, reading, photography, music, family

Cell 2 José Ponce de Leão – Master Student

Ciência ID:
Research gate:
Scientific interests:

Highlighted research outputs

With this work we found that type 2 diabetes (T2D) progression differently affects endothelial function and vascular contractility in the aorta and pulmonary artery and that the pulmonary artery is more resistant to endothelial dysfunction. Also, we observed that this dysfunction is associated with alterations in the nitrergic system and inflammatory pathways. Understanding the mechanisms behind pulmonary artery dysfunction in T2D can lead to significant advances in both preventative and therapeutic treatments of pulmonary disease-associated diabetes.

Highlighted Pub 1


With this work we found that the carotid body (CB), a peripheral chemoreceptor that is involved in the genesis of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, is overactive in prediabetes subjects and that peripheral chemosensitivity correlates with fasting insulin and insulin resistance. CB chemosensitivity might represent a novel non-invasive functional biomarker to forecast early metabolic disease.

Awarded with the Prize Pedro Eurico Lisboa Award- Portuguese Society of Diabetes 2021 for the best publication in the diabetes field in the year 2020

paper cunha guimaraes

We described for the 1st time that CSN electrical neuromodulation restores insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in T2D rats. This publication will facilitate the emergence of bioelectronic therapeutic for T2D.

Awarded with the Honor Prize Pedro Eurico Lisboa Award- Portuguese Society of Diabetes 2019 for the best publication in the diabetes field in the year 2018.

Awarded with the Pulido Valente-Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology Prize for the best publication in Biomedical Sciences in 2018.

Highlighted in Nat Rev Endocrinol - Stanley, S. Peripheral nerve modulation to treat metabolic disease. Nat Rev Endocrinol 14, 193–194 (2018).

Research Area 4


We have established that abolition of CB activity may represent a therapeutic strategy for pre-existing metabolic diseases. In hypercaloric rats, chronic CSN transection restored insulin action and glucose homeostasis by impacting on insulin signalling pathways in visceral adipose tissue and liver.

Awarded with the Prize Pedro Eurico Lisboa Award- Portuguese Society of Diabetes 2018 for the best publication in the diabetes field in the year 2017.

Highlighted Pub 4


We showed for the 1st time that CB is involved in the genesis of insulin resistance and hypertension induced by hypercaloric diets. Also, we found that the development of these pathological features is due to CB overactivation via an increased sympathetic nervous system.

  • Micera S, Panarese A, Mazzoni A, Carpanato J, Cracchiolo M, Ramnarain N, Conde SV (2017) A
    system for monitoring and treating metabolic disorders Patent No. 102017000148492
  • Conde SV, Chew DJ, Famm K, Guarino MP, Holinski B, Patel S (2015) Neuromodulation device. Patent
    PCT/PT2015/000047. International Bureau WO/2016/072875. Licensed to Galvani Bioelectronics in May 2016.
Publications in the last 5 years





  • Sacramento JF, Chew DJ, Melo BF, Donegá M, Dopson W, Guarino MP, Robinson A, Prieto-Lloret J, Patel S, Holinski BJ, Ramnarain N, Pikov V, Famm K, Conde SV. Carotid body: a metabolic sensor implicated in insulin resistance. hysiol Genomics. 2018 Mar 1;50(3):208-214. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00121.2017. Epub 2018 Jan 26. PMID: 29373079




2021 Award Pedro Eurico Lisboa to the best paper in the Diabetes field, entitled: Carotid body chemosensitivity: early biomarker of dysmetabolism in humans. Joao P Cunha-Guimaraes, Maria P Guarino, Ana T Timoteo, Iolanda Caires, Joana F Sacramento, Maria J Ribeiro, Mafalda Selas, Joao C P Santiago, Miguel Mota Carmo, Silvia V Conde

2021 Best Oral Communication in the field of Fundamental Research in the 17th Portuguese Congress of Diabetes. Work entitled: Efeito da ressecção do nervo do seio carotídeo na expressão de proteínas hipotalâmicas que regulam a saciedade em ratos submetidos a duas dietas hipercalóricas diferentes. Capucho AM, Melo BF, Martins FO, Sacramento, JF, Conde SV.

2020 Best poster communication in the category of nutrition by the Portuguese Society for the study of Obesity (SPEO) in the 24th Portuguese Obesity Congress. Work entitled: Caffeine ameliorates obesity and adipose tissue insulin resistance by impacting on insulin signaling pathways and inflammation. Farreca SM, Martins FO, Melo BF, Conde SV

2020 Honor award for the poster communication in the category of Obesity and its Comorbidities by the Portuguese Society for the study of Obesity (SPEO) in the 24th Portuguese Obesity Congress. Work entitled: Carotid body modulation impacts the expression of hypothalamic proteins that regulate satiety. Capucho AM, Melo BF, Martins FO, Conde SV.

2019 Eurico Lisboa Honor Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes- Best publication in the Diabetes field "Bioelectronic
modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes.”
Sacramento et al. 2018 Diabetologia 61:700-710.

2018 Pulido Valente/FCT Award – Best publication in Biomedical Engineering “Bioelectronic modulation of carotid sinus nerve activity in the rat: a potential therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes.” Sacramento et al. 2018 Diabetologia 61:700-710

2017 Eurico Lisboa Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes- Best publication in the Diabetes field “Functional abolition of carotid body activity restores insulin action and glucose homeostasis in rats:
key roles for visceral adipose tissue and the liver. Sacramento et al. 2017 Diabetologia. 60:158-168

2017 1st Prize “De Castro-Heymans- Neil Award” by ISAC (International Society for Arterial Chemoreception) to the best work presented by a Young Research each triennial ISAC Meeting. (to Joana F. Sacramento )

2016 National Diabetes Award 2016 from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes

2016 Hargreaves 2016 Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes/JABA RECORDATI

2014 Best project in the Translational Research category by Fundação AstraZeneca Innovate Competition. (to Bernardete Melo)

2014 1st Prize “De Castro-Heymans- Neil Award” by ISAC (International Society for Arterial Chemoreception) to the best work presented by a Young Research each triennial ISAC Meeting. ( to Maria João Ribeiro)

2014 EPHAR Young Investigator Award from the Federation of European Pharmacological Societies to best scientific article published in the area of pharmacology. (to Maria João Ribeiro)

2012 Hargreaves 2012 Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes /JABA RECORDATI

2009 L’Oreal Portugal Medals of Honour for Women in Science from L’Oreal, Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and UNESCO

2009 Nuno Castel Branco Award from the Portuguese Society of Diabetes and Lilly Portugal

2002 1st Prize “De Castro - Heymans – Neil Award” from the International Society for Arterial Chemoreception

2002 Pfizer Honour Young Researcher Prize from the Portuguese Society of Medical Sciences

1999 Training Fellowship - nº1/3.2/PRODEPIII/2000 from Fundo Social Europeu e Estado Português


Oct 2018- Sept 2021- “AhR-CYP1A1: linking environmental exposure and sleep apnea to improve arterial hypertension management”. Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Project Reference: PTDC/MED-TOX/30418/2017. PI: Emília Monteiro

Aug 2016 - Feb 2018 - “The Carotid Body as a therapeutic target in metabolic diseases: Mapping carotid sinus nerve activity in diabetes rat models: Lisbon Stage 2”. supported by: Galvani Bioelectronics - 340.316,00€ - PI: Sílvia Conde

Nov 2013 - Apr 2016 - “The Carotid Body as a therapeutic target in metabolic diseases: Mapping carotid sinus nerve activity in diabetes rat models”. supported by: GSK Bioelectronic Exploratory Funding - 147.905,56€ PI: Sílvia Conde

Mar 2015 - Apr 2016 - "Wireless Interfacing of the Carotid Sinus Nerve for Hypoxic Response Modulation". Collaboration project between CEDOC, NOVA Medical School, University of Texas and Illinois Institute of Technology. Supported by: GSK Innovation Challenge Funding. 200.000$ (total), 49.728$ (Silvia Conde). co-PIs: Mário Romero and Sílvia Conde

Mar 2014 - Feb 2015 – “Mapping the sympathetic efferent activity in carotid-body mediated insulin resistance”. Supported by: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (EXPL/NEU-SCC/2183/2013) – 48.371€ PI: Maria Guarino

Nov 2013 - Nov 2014 - "Mapping carotid sinus nerve activity in diabetes rat models" Supported by: GSK Bioelectronic Exploratory Funding Ref: D00006317 - 96.105$ PI: Silvia Conde

Mar 2011 - Dec 2013 - "Insulin and carotid body: a new mechanism for insulin resistance and hypertension.".Supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Project Reference: PTDC/SAU-ORG/11149/2009 - 100.000€ PI: Silvia Conde

Nov 2009 - May 2012: Effect of chronic caffeine intake on insulin resistance and hypertension: mechanistic and therapeutic approach. Supported by: Sociedade Portuguesa Diabetologia/Lilly Portugal - 10.000 € PI: Silvia Conde and Maria Guarino


External Collaborations
- Maria P. Guarino – CiTechCare, Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Leiria, Portugal
- Rui Fonseca-Pinto – CiTechCare, Leiria Polytechnic Institute, Leiria, Portugal
- Paulo Matafome and Raquel Seiça – iCBR , Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research, Coimbra, Portugal
- Phillipe Blancou and Nicolas Glaichenhaus - INSERM, Université Nice, Nice, France
- Ana Obeso, Elena Olea, Asuncion Rocher, Jesus Prieto-LLoret - Faculty of Medicine, University of Valladolid, Spain
- Silvestro Micera – Biorobotics Institute, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy

Internal Collaborations
- Emilia Monteiro - Translational Pharmacology
- Helena Vieira – Cell Death and Disease group
- Hugo Vicente Miranda – DysBrainD group

Participation in the Book "Women in Science '21"

European Researchers Night 2020

The European Animal Research Association (EARA) - Eleltronic modulation used in rats to treat tipe 2 diabetes

Carotid body: A candidate for regaining glucose tolerance in Type 2 diabetes @ Research Outreach |

90 segundos de Ciência

Maratona da Saúde

Diabetes: the electricity that heals @ Visão Magazine

TSF | Mundo Novo:October 23, 2013 episode - "Cafeína e diabetes" [Caffeine & Diabetes]

Carotid body: the missing link @ Frontal Magazine

Team photos

Foto grupo 2017

Foto grupo 2017
foto grupo S Conde

Farmacologia 17 10 2011 -