The Organ Responsible for Animal Welfare (Órgão Responsável pelo Bem-Estar dos Animais) - ORBEA, at NOVA Medical School, is an independent body of a deliberative nature, with the purpose of ensuring and promoting the welfare of animals generated and used in research or teaching, according to the legislation in force, namely under the terms of the regulations Artigo 34.º do Decreto-Lei nº 113/2013, de 7 de agosto.
ORBEA's activity at NOVA Medical School is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal principles, establishing a set of rules on internal procedures and guidelines to be observed when using animals for scientific and educational purposes.
ORBEA members have scientific and technical skills in line with current legislation, and act independently, allowing them to carry out the assigned functions.
NOVA Medical School's ORBEA members are:
President: Ana Isabel Moura Santos
Responsible for the Rodents Facility: José Belo
Responsible for the Fish Facility: Susana Lopes
Responsible for Rodents Welfare: Sara Marques
Responsible for Fish Welfare: Petra Pintado
Veterinary Physician Responsible for Rodents: Dolores Bonaparte
Veterinary Physician Responsible for Fish: Nuno Marques Pereira
Specialist in Statistics and Experimental Design: Sofia Azeredo Lopes
Scientific Responsible:
Researchers using Rodents: Gabriela Silva and Sílvia Conde
esearchers using Fish: Mónica Roxo Rosa and Carolina Crespo
Representative of the Civil Society: Mário Rui Silva
Useful links:
ORBEA' regulations.