Event: Development in Action Meeti
Date & Time: November 20, 16h00
Location: Yellow Building, Ground floor, Room 0.12
Organisation: DiA Committee
16h to 16h30 | Andreia Pereira, MSc student, Domingos Henrique Lab (iMM)
"From pluripotency to lineage commitment: transcriptional dynamics in mouse Embryonic Stem Cells"
16h30 to 17h | Mónica Roxo-Rosa, Susana Lopes Lab (CEDOC)
"The zebrafish Kupffer’s Vesicle is a useful model organ to study the mechanisms of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease"
17h to 17h30 | Coffee break
17h30 to 18h | Rita Aires, Moises Mallo Lab (IGC)
"A tale of trunks: how Gdf11/Oct4 interactions control vertebrate trunk length"
You are all invited to participate.