A new meta-analysis sheds light on the progress of nanotechnology across the globe

Newsroom João Conde ACS Nano

João Conde, from the Cancer Nanomedicine lab at CEDOC, just published a meta-analysis on the progress and investment in nanotechnology, alongside colleagues from iMed from Universidade de Lisboa and i3S from Universidade do Porto, MIT (United States of America) and University of Wollongong (Australia). The research was published on ACS Nano with the title “Facts and Figures on Materials Science and Nanotechnology Progress and Investment”. Read what João has to say regarding this research:

How does statistics and machine learning help us handle big data sets?

The anticipated shift to nanotechnology-centred molecular medicine urges the need for an innovative suite of tools that effectively harness the growing amount of information in this space. A data-driven (r)evolution, similar to what we are currently witnessing in chemistry and biology, might not be too distant. We argue that predictive modelling and the de novo design of composite nanodelivery systems will become a reality, and ultimately endorse a new era in nanotechnology. Statistics and Machine learning can reshape next generation drug delivery, and the challenges that must be
addressed to enable continuous innovation through discriminative/generative

What was the most surprising result from this analysis?

The fact that the cumulative effect of all US initiatives in nanotechnology was reflected in the analysis of industry, producing the highest number of nanoproducts (more than 3000 different types) worldwide across different sectors. This reflects how Nanotechnology is everywhere and is everyday practice.

How do you think public perception of nanotechnology changed with the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines?

I believe that Nanotechnology will have a boom after covid. The fact that we have 2 vaccines using nanoparticles carrying mRNA to produce SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins (Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna) have destroyed all the scepticism around using nanoproducts in humans. We are already there...we have already hundreds of millions of people inoculated with nano-vaccines. This marks a new era in Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology.

You can read the original article at ACS Nano here.

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