Master fellowship REF CEDOC/2014/08

Open call for a master fellowship with the reference CEDOC/2014/08, integrated in the project FCT-ANR/BEX-BCM/0001/2013 - “Mecanismos de cardioproteção com polifenois de pequenos frutos”, at the Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).

Scientific area:
Molecular and Cell Biology

Selecting criteria:
· Education in Biology, Biochemistry, Biological Eng or similar area with a final mark equal or higher than 15 for integrated Master or equal or higher than 15+16 for Licentiate + Master.

· Preference will be given to candidates with previous training in: cell biology and molecular biology, rodent manipulation (certificated for animal manipulation), cell culture of cell lines, primary culture of cells (cardiomyocytes), flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, microscopy, western blot, ELISA, enzymatic assays, genetic manipulation of cell cultures, quantitative PCRs.

6 months, starting on 1st July 2014, eventually renewed for more 6 months.

Month Stipend:
According to regulations of FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal (€980.00/month + SSV).

Application Documents:
Letter of Motivation and Curriculum Vitae (preferentially do not use EuroPass CV) and certificate for animal manipulation

Selection methods:
Candidates will be pre-selected based on their Curriculum Vitae and Letter of Motivation; followed by an interview (maximum 4 candidates). Final evaluation will be based on Curriculum Vitae (50%) and interview (50%).

Application Period and application: from 02 June till 17 June.

Applications must be sent by email to, including the reference Bolsa CEDOC/2014/08 in the Subject.

Please see further information at: ERA Careers web site