UbiCODE Symposium

Post-translational modifications (PTM) by members of the Ubiquitin (Ub) family represent an efficient way to regulate almost every biological process. Defects in this homeostatic equilibrium, result in pathologies such as cancer, neurodegeneration, inflammation or multiple infections. For this reason, this research area has become very attractive for fundamental scientists as well as for the pharmaceutical industry aiming to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.

This one day symposium will therefore focus on the potential developments with regards to the druggability of the ubiquitin system. Discussions will cover a wide range of topics, from genome instability and cancer to neurodegeneration, metabolic and infectious diseases.

The UbiCODE Symposium will occur on 27th February at the Auditorium Professor Manuel Machado Macedo, CEDOC-NMS|FCM, Lisbon.


Call for applications - oral presentations : 2018-09-12 to 2019-01-28

Call for applications - poster presentations : 2018-09-12 to 2019-01-28

Flat rate registration fee - 25€

For more info please follow the link.

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