VI Annual PhDOC Meeting

The VI edition of the Annual PhDOC Meeting will take place at CEDOC-NMS between 9th and 10th of November.

Every year students of this doctoral programme organize a meeting. In 2017 the retreat will take place in Lisbon, at NOVA Medical School. The PhDOC meeting is a scientific and social event that aims to bring together its students, supervisors, directive board and advisory board to exchange their knowledge and experience in a friendly environment.
The invited speakers for this edition are Dr. Miguel Seabra (NOVA Medical School), Dr. Graça Raposo (Institut Curie) and Dr. Ehud Cohen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

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PhDOC is the Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Ageing and Chronic Disease. The Programme is a collaborative effort between the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the New University of Lisbon and the School of Health Sciences at the University of Minho and is sponsored by the Foundation for Science and Technology.

Complete information about the PhDOC Meeting on the following website:

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