National Premiere "The Fly Room"

The birth of fruit fly research inspires a story for a movie.

On June 14, at 19h00, the national premiere of the movie "The Fly Room" will occur ar Pavilhão do Conhecimento.

“The Fly Room is a sweeping, yet intimate portrait of the complicated relationship between Calvin Bridges, father of modern genetics, and his wide-eyed, ten-year-old daughter Betsey. The story helps bring to life one of the most important scientific laboratories of the 20th Century, taking place predominantly in one location: the original Fly Room laboratory at Columbia University.”

The film director, Alexis Gambis, who himself was a scientist that worked fruit flies at the Rockefeller Institute – NYC before he became a filmmaker, will be present at the event.

Synopsis: "During her first visit to an insect lab where her father is deciphering the fundamental laws of genetics, 10-year-old Betsey is initially reluctant to enter this fly world but eventually steps in deeply, receiving an unorthodox education. She is both perplexed and fascinated by how her father applies his genetic research to his games of seduction. In the heat of his excitement, Calvin crosses the line leaving young Betsey traumatized by the time spent with him. Glimpses of Betsey at 21, mourning her father’s death, and in old age reveal how this complex relationship, both nourishing and damaging, informs her transition to adult life."

June 14
18h30: Get hands-on Session with Fruit Flies – with researchers from ITQB NOVA and CEDOC-NOVA MS
19h00: Movie "The Fly Room"
20h30: Talk with movie director Alexis Gambis and Portuguese researchers Pedro Domingos (ITQB NOVA), César Mendes (CEDOC-NOVA MS) e Mónica Bettencourt-Dias (IGC). Moderation: Ana Noronha (Ciência Viva).

Free entrance but registration is mandatory:

Organization: ITQB NOVA – Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa & Pavilhão do Conhecimento – Centro Ciência Viva.
Collaboration with: CEDOC - Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa & IGC – Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

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