Semana da C&T 2016


Within the scope of the commemorations of the National Day of Scientific Culture (November 24), CEDOC-NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas will host some activities in a joint initiative with Ciência Viva.
These activities will take place on November 22, at the NMS|FCM Research Campus.

i. "O que podemos aprender sobre nós estudando Peixes, Moscas?"
10h30 - 12h00, aimed at preschool children

ii. "Doenças Crónicas, o Cérebro e as Neurociências?"
14h00 - 16h00, aimed at primary school children

Moreover, the Microbiology Research Laboratory from NMS|FCM will also participate with the following activity:
iii. "Dói-me a garganta, o que me aconteceu?"
14h00 - 16h00, aimed at the general public.

The participation is free but registration is mandatory by email to: comunica(at); and maria.correia(at)
Know more details about this initiative online: Ciência Viva website.

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