1st Outside the box seminars

The Post Doc committee is proud to present a new series of seminars, named Outside the box seminars, meant to challenge your way of thinking, tugging you from your comfort zone to explore the world outsider the box.
This series of seminars which might or might not have anything to do with science, will surely provoke your brain and let you wondering in awe at the extracurricular activities some of our members embrace, all the while learning more about CEDOC as a society outside science and promote team building.

This event will occur monthly and is open to all Nova Medical school. The precise dates will be disclosed closer to the events but will always be Friday from 17 to 18h just after the Casual Friday meetings, to add a little flavor to some beer hours.

As a kick off we bring you “The Sincerely Honest, Deceiver”, a seminar on card magic and probability, presented by Miguel Ferreira. Discover the truth behind the trickster and why out of all things does Miguel chooses to carry a deck of cards at all times.
Do not miss this event on the 8th of March 2019 at 17h at CEDOC grey building.

“Change the way you think, think outside of that box!”

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