Jan. 26 – Early programming of the oocyte epigenome temporally controls late prophase I transcription and chromatin remodeling
Research Pole - Red Building, 2nd floor, Auditorium – 12h00
Rui Martinho | CDBM and CBMR, UAlg, Faro, Portugal
Jan. 27 – The role of Grainyhead in wound healing
Research Pole - Yellow Building, Classroom 0.12 – 12h00
António Jacinto | CEDOC, NMS|FCM, UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
Jan. 29 – Stopping fluid flow is not equal to compromising Pkd2 mediated sensing in the leftright organizer
Research Pole - Red Building, 2nd floor, Auditorium – 12h00
Susana Lopes | CEDOC, NMS|FCM, UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
Feb. 2 – Differentiation and cell movement in a developing embryo
Research Pole - Red Building, 2nd floor, Auditorium – 12h00
Leonor Saúde | iMM, Lisboa, Portugal
Feb. 4 – Sculpting limbs: Apoptosis and senescence
NMS Main Building - Ground floor, EP10 room – 12h00
Joaquin Leon | Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Zoology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
Feb. 4 – Learning from the embryo: Temporal Control of Cell Differentiation
Research Pole - Yellow Building, Classroom 0.12 – 14h00
Raquel Andrade | CDBM and CBMR, UAlg, Faro, Portugal
Feb. 5 – Central sensing of peripheral growth perturbations during development
Research Pole - Red Building, 2nd floor, Auditorium – 12h00
Alison Gontijo | CEDOC, NMS|FCM, UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
Feb. 8 – Pitx2, a grown-up developmental gene involved in cardiac arrhythmias
NMS Main Building - Ground floor, EP10 room – 12h00
Diego Franco | Departamento de Biología Experimental B3-362, CU Las Lagunillas, Universidad de Jaén, Spain
Feb.9 – Regulation of neuronal plasticity by membrane trafficking
Red Building, 2nd floor, Auditorium – 12h00
Rita Teodoro | CEDOC, NMS|FCM, UNL, Lisbon, Portugal