NOVA Medical School joined Vent2Life, a recently created platform that allows public or private, collective or individual, educational to industrial organizations, to identify the existing equipment, unused or with repair needs, to be rehabilitated by specialists and to return to use in the health units.
The purpose of this platform is to create a link between entities that have inactive ventilation equipment susceptible of recovery and specialists who can ensure their repair and reinforce the beneficiary health units by providing them a fundamental equipment for the recovery of seriously COVID-19 infected patients.
NOVA Medical School, has mobilized all Portuguese medical schools to join this initiative, and ensured the most effective contact with hospital administrations.
The responsible for the #ProjectOpenAir movement and the creators of the platform, believe that, joining efforts, it will be possible to recover around 200 currently inoperative ventilation equipment’s that are in different places in the country, to provide health professionals with more critical technical capacity to provide the best health care.
" E se um grupo de voluntários descobrir 200 ventiladores?"
"Plataforma 'vent2life' quer ajudar a recuperar ventiladores inativos"
"Covid-19: Plataforma 'vent2life' quer ajudar a recuperar ventiladores inativos"
"Covid-19: Ventiladores inativos podem reforçar unidades de saúde"
"Ventiladores inativos podem reforçar unidades de saúde"
"Covid-19: Plataforma ‘vent2life’ quer ajudar a recuperar ventiladores inativos"
"Vent2life quer recuperar todos os Ventiladores inactivos para reforçar as unidades de saúde"
"Ventiladores inativos podem reforçar unidades de saúde"
"Plataforma 'vent2life' quer ajudar a recuperar 200 ventiladores inativos"
"Plataforma vent2life quer identificar onde andam ventiladores inativos"
"Plataforma procura ajudar a recuperar ventiladores avariados para hospitais"
"Ventiladores inativos podem reforçar unidades de saúde"
"Plataforma procura ajudar a recuperar ventiladores avariados para hospitais"
"Plataforma Vent2life quer identificar e reabilitar ventiladores inativos"
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis"
"Covid-19: Plataforma ‘vent2life’ quer ajudar a recuperar ventiladores inativos"
"Este projecto quer recuperar ventiladores inactivos (e devolvê-los aos hospitais)"
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"Vent2life, a plataforma que quer identificar e reabilitar ventiladores inativos"
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"An Online Lifeline in Portugal for Old Ventilators Amid Coronavirus Crisis" | NY Times
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | NASDAQ
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | WKZO
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | National Post
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | Yahoo News
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" |
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | Reuters
"Plataforma online de Portugal quer restaurar respiradores em meio à crise do coronavírus" | Terra
"An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | The Express Tribune
"Covid-19: An online lifeline in Portugal for old ventilators amid coronavirus crisis" | The Star