CEDOC @ Ciência'17

encontro ciencia

Ciência 2017, the annual meeting of the Portuguese science and technology community, occured in Lisbon from July 3 to 5.
This meeting promotes an open debate on the main subjects and challenges driving the Portuguese scientific community. During this meeting researchers and invited participants from all sectors of societyare invited to participate and share their work.

NMS|FCM was widely represented on the event Ciência '17, including 3 talks from CEDOC members:

July 3
Exocytosis of Dysfunctional Lysosomes as a New Paradigm Shift in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. Neuza Domingues, Mark Gibson, Liliana Alves, Mathias Gerl, Jorge Ferreira, Pedro Araújo, Manuel Almeida, Miguel Viana Baptista, Isabel Soares, iNOVA4Health - Programa de Medicina Translacional (iBET, CEDOC/FCM, IPOLFG e ITQB).

The role of Base Excision Repair genes in DNA damage response induced by chemotherapeutic drugs. Cláudio Pinheiro, Helena Borba, José Rueff and Susana Nunes da Silva, Centro de Toxicogenómica e Saúde Humana.

The hinge region of human NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase in conformational switching: the critical role of ionic strength. Diana Campelo*, Thomas Lautier*, Philippe Urban, Francisco Esteves, Sophie Bozonnet, José Rueff, Gilles Truan, Michel Kranendonk, Centro de Toxicogenómica e Saúde Humana.

July 4
Reprogramming human arthritogenic T cells. Daniela Amaral-Silva, Rita C. Torrão, Fernando Pimentel-Santos, Rute Gonçalves, Ana F. Mourão, Tiago Costa, Sara Maia, Jaime C. Branco, Helena Soares, NOVA4Health - Programa de Medicina Translacional (iBET, CEDOC/FCM, IPOLFG e ITQB).

Moderator of panel "Ciência e Cancro: desafios para a investigação". António Bensabat Rendas, Reitor da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

July 5
Portuguese Elderly: Socieodemographic Characteristics, Lifestyles and Physical and Mental Health. Ana Rodrigues, Maria João Gregório, Rute Dinis de Sousa, Sara S. Dias, Jaime Branco, Helena Canhão, iNOVA4Health - Programa de Medicina Translacional (iBET, CEDOC/FCM, IPOLFG e ITQB).

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