Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences

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PostDoctoral researchers from CEDOC, IBET, iMM and ITQB joinly organized a Scientific Symposium and Job Fair - Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences. This event aims to promote the unique career brand of PhD holders, and stimulate the network inside and outside academia.

During the Scientific Symposium post-doctoral reseachers will have the opportunity to present and discuss their work to a broad audience while establishing strategic collaborations with their peers from academia. On the other hand, the Job Fair, open to the public, will be a great chance to meet a variety of organizations that actively offer positions for PhD holders. Additionally, the organizers will host several workshops aiming at the improvement of soft skills essential to land a dream job apart from the bench.

To learn more about this event visit the website or follow the facebook page.

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