I NeuroLx Meeting 2015
DATE: 28th of April 2015
TIME: 13h -18h
2º Floor Room, Library Building, CEDOC@FCM, Lisbon
13h Introduction
13h15 Diana Prata, IMM
13h45 Diogo Castro, IGC
14h15 Rita Teodoro, CEDOC
14h45 Coffee Break organized by CEDOC PhD students committee
15h15 Florent Ubelmann, CEDOC
15h45 Cláudio Gomes, ITQB
16h15 Inbal Israely, FChampalimaud
17h-18h Happy Hour organized by CEDOC PhD students committee
The NeuroLx meeting is open to everybody that is interested in neurosciences.
Let us know if you need more information
Cláudia G. Almeida and Rita Teodoro
Visit the I NeuroLx Meeting 2015 website