Roadshow COHiTEC 2015

Date: 4 ​November 2014, 14h30
Location: CEDOC (Lisbon) - Library Building, Room 2nd Floor

CEDOC-NMS│FCM-UNL invites you to participate in the Presentation Session of COHiTEC 2015, a training program destined to support researchers in the evaluation of the commercial potential of the technologies they are developing.

Register in the Presentation Session at



COHiTEC is an initiative by COTEC Portugal – Associação Empresarial para a Inovação, aimed at supporting the valorisation of technologies developed at Portuguese R&D institutions. The Program is destined to researchers who are developing groundbreaking science and who believe such science may have a commercial potential.

COHiTEC 2015 will take place from the 10th of March to the 15th of July, one afternoon per week, at Lisbon and Oporto. Over four months, researchers will have access to training in technology commercialization topics, such as the development of product and service ideas, intellectual property, financials, legal and regulatory issues, business models and business planning. COHiTEC has a hands-on approach, so researchers will apply the learnings to their specific projects and, with the support of business students and mentors, will develop a business project to be presented publicly at COHiTEC’s Closing Session.

COHiTEC 2015 sessions will be based in two Business Schools: INDEG-IUL ISCTE Executive Education, in Lisbon, and Porto Business School, in Porto. The Program has the support of professors from USA universities of Brown and North Carolina State and is sponsored by Caixa Geral de Depósitos and Caixa Capital.

Since its inception in 2004, COHiTEC has supported 136 projects, in which participated more than 600 researchers and management students. The projects supported led to the creation of 23 technology-based companies, which secured funding in excess of € 18 million.

The deadline for applications to COHiTEC 2015 is the 15th of January 2015 and the application form is available at

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