Ciência 2020 commissioned by Helena Canhão


Encontro Ciência2020 takes place between November 3 and 4 2020 and is commissioned by Helena Canhão, researcher and professor at CHRC-CEDOC and NOVA Medical School and, her colleague and co-founder and Patient Innovation, Pedro Oliveira, from Nova SBE and Copenhagen Business School.

Ciência2020 aims to promote a wide debate on the main topics and challenges of the Portuguese scientific agenda. Moreover, the primary objective of this annual meeting is to encouragenot only participation, but also interaction between researchers, the business sector and the general public.

The Science Meeting is promoted by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in collaboration with Ciência Viva and the Comissão Parlamentar de Educação e Ciência, and has the institutional support of the Portuguese Government through the Governo através do Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior.

You may join Ciência2020 and participate in the event online!

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[left to right: Helena Canhão and Pedro Oliveira. Photo credits Ciência2020]

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